sell by date / use by date 就是要在此日期之前销售/食用,简单明了,不容易造成混淆。make a sentence It's past its sell-by date, but I always think that's more of a suggestion, anyway.我知道这已经过期了,但我一直觉得保质期只是供参考而已。※补充:be past its sell-by date “过了保质期...
sell by date/use by date 就是要在此日期之前销售/食用,简单明了,不容易造成混淆。make a sentenc...
Use-By date 这个是用来提醒大家,在这个日期过后,继续食用此食物的话会对人体有害。所以说,过了这个日期的食物,我们还是最好丢掉啦。 + Best-Before date Best Before的意思呢,大部分只是说,这种食物最好还是在这个日期之前吃掉味道、口感最佳。“过期”的话,味道可能...
Use by(也有写Expiry Date)和Best before的区别。用Best before是让消费者看过了这个日期之后,视情况而定还吃不吃,例如牛奶酸了就不能喝了,不像use by是到了日子一定要丢掉。牛奶,芝士,pasta和番茄酱挺多都是写best before。 @梨视频 【你赞同吗?#英国一超市取消标注牛奶保质期#,改用“最佳饮用日期”】...
best-before date and use-by date 日期和使用日期之前最好;
sell by date / use by date 就是要在此日期之前销售/食用,简单明了,不容易造成混淆。 make a sentence It's past its sell-by date, but I always think that's more of a suggestion, anyway. 我知道这已经过期了,但我一直觉得保质期只是供参考而已。
Best-Before date Best Before的意思呢,大部分只是说,这种食物最好还是在这个日期之前吃掉味道、口感最佳。“过期”的话,味道可能会有差,但是不一定会对人体有害。 那是不是所有的食物过期了就一定要丢掉呢?答案是:不一定。根据食物类型的不同,咱们可以灵活变通。
Antompayment indication, to indicate the payment is processed byAntom. Transaction date and time in the local time (accurate to seconds). Besides, it is not suggested to show the following information on the printed receipt: The name of the card issuer. (You can useAntominstead if needed....
Lady Gaga's new tattoo is inspired by 'A Star Is Born' TopicsInstagram Sage Anderson Sage is the newest Culture writer on the block at Mashable NYC. They recently graduated from Sarah Lawrence College, and have previously worked for The Dr. Oz Show, NorthSouth Productions, and on Netflix'...
How it works:Savvy shoppers know that buying marked-down food items near their sell-by date is a prime way to save money ongroceries, and Flashfood makes it easy to find and buy those products. The app allows people to browse items at nearby participating supermarkets. Then, purchases a...