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Best Buy offers$200 off Apple Macbook Pro, Free shipping. Deal expires 7/27. Including: Apple MacBook Pro, 13.3" Display, 4GB Memory, 500GB Hard Drive, Intel Core i5 processor, Mac OS X Mountain Lion, for$999.99 Apple MacBook Pro, 13.3" Display, 8GB Memory, 750GB Hard Drive, Intel...
So many people wonder if the MacBook Pro is worth paying extra for the touch bar. In my opinion, I use it every time I’m on my laptop. I tried using an HP laptop and it doesn’t come close to a Mac. I did also buy a hard shell case for it, as we...
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and the performance is great with 16GB RAM memory. The audio is better and gives us a theatrical sound experience. Overall it performs very well with a stunning look and is very lightweight. I'm totally satisfied with the MacBook Pro. Thanks to Best Buy for less price an...
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