Coming out of the gate as a surprise hit,A Good Girl’s Guide to Murderis based on the Holly Jackson mystery crime novel of the same name. The plot centers around Pip Fitz-Amobi (Wednesday’s Emma Myers), a high schooler who decides to run her own investigation into the disappearance/...
This typically raunchy “Jackass” spinoff entry directed by Jeff Tremaine follows Irving and his impressionable grandson (Jackson Nicoll) on a cross-country road trip that pairs them with society’s sleaziest and most unexpecting. Cameos from “Jackass” behind-the-scenes alum Spike Jonze and ...
There’s something almost quaint about the idea of the biggest music stars in the world coming together to record a charity song to combat a famine in Africa. But it really happened in 1985 with the recording ofWe Are the World. Some of those superstars, including Michael Jackson, Tina Tur...
As vinyl grows in popularity there’s is pressure on vinyl manufacturers, who like us all were caught off-guard by the resurgence. But shops like United Record Pressing based in Nashville, TN, the shop responsible for manufacturing White’s best-seller are expanding to meet the growing demand...