Players oversee a family taking refuge in an underground bunker after a global catastrophe. The game focuses on resource management, crafting, and strategic planning as players must keep the family alive by securing food, maintaining equipment, and managing their physical and mental health. With its...
Shelteredis a post-apocalyptic survival management game developed by Unicube and published by Team17, released in 2016. Players oversee a family taking refuge in an underground bunker after a global catastrophe. The game focuses on resource management, crafting, and strategic planning as players must...
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Lob wedge The lob wedge is the most lofted club in the bag. The lob wedge can range from58 to 64 degreesand it is the perfect club to use from the bunker as the thin face slices through the sand. Although the lob wedge can be used for intricate shots from around the green, it can...
The birthplace of golf features blind bunkers, huge double greens, quirks such as the Road Hole and Hell Bunker and strategic options that vary with the day’s wind. The emphasis on short grass and variety became the foundation for strategic designs that followed, including Augusta National. The...
Theirs is a country with a nuclear bunker for every household, a country that tests its air raid sirens every year, and a country that, although one of the wealthiest in the world, stockpiles thousands of tonnes of goods in case of an emergency - including coffee." synthetic coffee ...
Golf is not always sunshine and rainbows, you are not always in the fairway. You may be faced with a tough bunker shot or an approach from some juicy rough. We test each golf wedge from all positions on the course. After each shot, we take note of how much spin was generated and ho...
Shelteredis a post-apocalyptic survival management game developed by Unicube and published by Team17, released in 2016. Players oversee a family taking refuge in an underground bunker after a global catastrophe. The game focuses on resource management, crafting, and strategic planning as players must...