Best duo: Ziggs, Ivern, Tristana Prismatic: Duskblade of Draktharr Core items: Guardian Angel, Serylda’s Grudge, Edge of Night Strongest Augments: The Brutalizer, Thread the Needle, It’s Killing Time Kha’Zix is yet another strong assassin in the League Arena metagame. Like other champio...
The 3 best Mid Lane Synergy picks good with Ashe are Tristana, Yone, and Lissandra. # Win Pick Game 1 52.43% 2.26% 576 2 54.27% 1.29% 328 3 59.72% 0.57% 144 4 52.31% 2.04% 520 5 59.75% 0.46% 118 6 56.25% 0.69% 176 7
The 3 best Mid Lane Synergy picks good with Teemo are Tristana, Lux, and LeBlanc. # Win Pick Game 1 56.63% 2.47% 98 2 64.47% 0.96% 38 3 57.26% 1.56% 62 4 58.33% 1.06% 42 5 55.95% 1.06% 42 6 56.58% 0.96% 38 7 53.85% ...
Master Yi,Jinx,Braum,Dr.Mundo,Akali,Yasuo,Singed,Jax,Darius,Kennen,Tristana,Varus,Ashe,Lulu,Miss FortuneandBlitzcrank. So make sure to check these hero guides as well. For now, let’s focus on this guide of Teemo.
Tristana Support- Bot Lane Supports never get the love they deserve but their role on a team is nevertheless required. Vision, CC, peel, even damage in some cases; supports can totally carry games themselves. Here are a few that will consistently give you and your team the tools to gain ...
Janna, as usual, is the best companion for a rather passive ADC, who wants to farm up in order to becoming a destruction machine in the lane game – with Tristana and Jinx being the two best examples. With a really straightforward kit, she is an ideal champion for players j...
However, unlike Jinx, Tristana is an ADC that can be played in a much riskier style as she leaps straight into the action with Rocket Jump which will reset on a fully charged Explosive Charge or on a takedown (kill or assist). That reset also allows Tristana to go for risky all-ins ...
Tristana – 50.93% Win Rate Kog’Maw – 50.9% Win Rate Jinx – 50.28% Win Rate Sivir – 50.17% Win Rate Ashe – 50.02% Win Rate Caitlyn – 49.88% Win Rate Kai’Sa – 49.85% Win Rate Varus – 49.64% Win Rate Yasuo – 49.26% Win Rate ...
Tristanaor Corkilead to desperation for Twitchplayers. Learn from Pros how theycounter pick Twitch. In regards torunes for Twitchyou can see that Precisionand Sorceryare the rune paths, which are preferred by Pros. FAQ for Twitch Probuilds ...
1.Nautilus Nautilus is a hard engage tank support that can really set your team up for a team fight. Nautilus is one of the best champions for initiating fights in the game, he has 4 different types of crowd control abilities in his kit. His passive can root enemies when he lands a ...