From dangerous rivalries to personal tragedies, Top Boy’s first two seasons gripped viewers when they aired on British TV. Netflix revived the series in 2017 at the behest of Drake, completing the story with three new seasons on the streamer. WATCH ON NETFLIX Advertisement - Continue Reading...
The original series (titled now as Top Boy: Summerhouse) aired in the UK on Channel 4 from 2011 to 2013 before it was cancelled. Then, Drake revived the show for Netflix and launched a new season in 2019. It picked up where the original series left off, and brought back Walters and...
The 100 best British movies We spoke to over 150 movie experts and writers to put together this definitive list of British films Tuesday 15 October 2024 Share Written by Phil de Semlyen Global film editor British cinema is as diverse and ever-shifting as the country itself. In 2024, it enco...
Stream It 26. Anatomy of a Scandal View full post on Youtube This British miniseries is less detective series and more courtroom drama about the wife of a British Member of Parliament (Sienna Miller) whose husband is arrested and tried for sexual assault. But was it a crime or an affair?
Here are the best Netflix shows and series to watch. Everything from reality TV to a modern classic sitcom and top animated shows.
Both old and new, the shows on HBO Max include some of the best sitcoms, dramas, British favorites and more - and now they're all available in one place. Now that they're all together, which of all the series on HBO Max are the best?1...
Rajamouli described his amazing epic film RRR, which focuses on two Indian folk heroes working together to fight British Colonialists in the 1920's. It all starts when an evil colonialist steals a girl after tricking her family into a "sale" they didn't know was happening. RRR, which ...
The British series originally aired on Channel 5 in the U.K., after which Netflix commissioned the subsequent seasons of this fascinating docuseries. Stream all seven seasons to date. Robbie Williams (2023) tv-ma 1 Season Genre Documentary ...
The 20 best British TV shows to stream on Netflix 5. Semi-Pro Credit: Moviestore / Shutterstock Is it the best Will Ferrell movie? No. (That would be Stranger Than Fiction.) Is it the funniest Will Ferrell movie? Also no. (We're not going to fight that one here.) Is it always...
An American remake of the 2022 Danish horror film of the same name,Speak No Evilis Blumhouse at its best. When an American family befriends a charming British family on vacation, they can’t pass up the invitation to rendezvous at their new friends’ idyllic country estate. ...