The ITV drama, which first aired in 2019, became a trending hit for Netflix when it was added to the platform earlier this year. Hatton Garden is based on the major British robbery, and stars The Sixth Commandment's Timothy Spall as well as Layer Cake's Kenneth Cranham. November 2024...
Over 2K filmgoers have voted on the 100+ films on Best Drama Films Streaming on Netflix. Current Top 3: The Dig, Monster, Pieces of a Woman
From Richard Madden's 'Bodyguard' to 'Peaky Blinders' starring Cillian Murphy, Netflix has a wide selection of must-watch British crime dramas.
Also ranks #5 on The 50 Best Japanese Shows On Netflix, Ranked Also ranks #14 on The 40+ Best Streaming Action Series Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? subscription 18 Bodyguard Richard Madden, Keeley Hawes, Sophie Rundle 89 votes Bodyguard, a pulse-pounding British thrille...
Chris Harris/Netflix 4 Top Boy This British crime drama is set on a fictional estate in London’s Hackney, where Dushane (Ashley Walters) and Sully (Kane Robinson) find themselves involved in conflict in the drug dealing community. From dangerous rivalries to personal tragedies, Top Boy’s ...
Drama Stars Gillian Anderson, Billie Piper, Rufus Sewell Directed by Philip Martin Watch on Netflix Emmy winner Gillian Anderson dusts off her now-iconic English accent to play British journalist Emily Maitlis in the biographical dramaScoop. The plot dramatizes the pivotal 2019Newsnightinterview with ...
Here's a complete list of the best Drama Movies available on Netflix in the U.S.. The list is updated daily and is sorted by IMDb rating, but you can also choose to sort it by the date when the titles were added to Netflix, which is convenient if
Period drama reviews, news about British costume dramas and historical TV series. What's new to streaming this month on Netflix and Prime Video. Best romantic movies set in the past and in England. What to watch recommendations for PBS Masterpiece, Amazo
Best drama series on Netflix Better Call Saul (Image credit: AMC) Age rating:15 Seasons:6 Runtime:~50 minute episodes Main cast:Bob Odenkirk, Jonathan Banks, Rhea Seehorn, Patrick Fabian, and Michael Mando Creator:George Vincent Gilligan Jr. ...
The best Netflix movies feature wild adventures, epic films and two of the best movies of the last year, so you don't even need to go to a theater