Netflix's documentaries are mostly known for the true crime stories, and while Descendant is technically one of those, it's far from the cold case stories that chart on the streaming service. One of the best Netflix movies in years, this film tells the untold story of the Clotilda, the...
Survivor's guilt torments him, even as he cobbles together a found family of fellow survivors. This cast of characters is dynamic, making the scenes of simple home-cooked meals just as satisfying as sequences of town-trampling destruction. Actually, one deeply informs the other. Because while...
Survivor's guilt torments him, even as he cobbles together a found family of survivors. This cast of characters is dynamic, making the scenes of simple home-cooked meals just as satisfying as sequences of town-trampling destruction. Actually, one deeply informs the other. Because while Kamiki...
This is probably her most popular film, the tale of a French singer who is awaiting test results that could confirm she has cancer. It’s a deeply powerful and philosophical character study, and the perfect gateway to discovering an essential filmmaker. Clèo from 5 to 7 watch on max ...
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It also shows that only Scorsese could make a direct-to-Netflix, three-and-a-half-hour action-drama about violent old men and produce one of the most riveting and nuanced gangster stories of the modern era. Admittedly, it's not technically an action movie in the traditional sense, but if...
Karla was one of my radiation techs that I saw every day for six weeks. She was a breast cancer survivor and a constant reassurance on radiation days. She had the bedside manner that you wanted next to you when you were in that very vulnerable position on the radiation bed. She was com...
Parika Bhatli is a mental health blogger, researcher, sociologist, depression survivor and observer. Read her thoughts and important stories on Medium. Medium is where those ideas take shape, take off, and spark powerful conversations. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart...
show you can watch with your teenage daughter and your mother and be assured you will all be equally entertained. In addition to the deft storytelling, there’s the never before or since matched rat-a-tat banter and pop-culture references that infuse all the dialogue. And the love stories!
07-03 2007 Shadowgrounds Survivor Q&A 05-11 2007 NecroVisioN Q&A 03-10 2007 Warhound Q&A 02-18 2007 DUSK-12 Q&A 02-11 2007 Red Ocean Q&A 02-11 2007 Jagged Farm: Birth of a Hero Q&A 02-02 2007 The Continuum Q&A 01-17 2007 Depths of Peril Q&A 11-26 2006 Inhabited Isla...