Hey, I'm Ben, a fly fisherman for over 20 years and also an aspiring blogger. I've been into fly fishing since my graduation from spin fishing when I was 12 years old. I started flyfisherpro.com to help introduce as many people into this amazing sport. Tight lines everyone! You can...
you can rig it in pretty much any way you’d like. However, one of the most popular setups for Bass fishing with these guys is something called the Texas rig. This is a simple setup that involves combining your worm with a bullet weight at the end of your hook...
Live bait can also be fished on a wide variety of rigs such as a float rig, drop shot, or a Carolina rig. This allows anglers to keep their presentation in the strike zone where fish are congregated. When casting your bait into a potential spot, it really comes down to If the fish...
If you intend to stalk bonefish, redfish, permit, snook, striped bass, tarpon or any other inshoregame fishon the flats, salt marshes, or other shallow water areas, flats boats and flats skiffs — designed precisely for that style ofsaltwater angling— offer the greatest advantages to success...
the front or back of the board. When I’m paddling and I see fish, I drop the anchor in, as quietly as I can, slipping line slowly until it reaches the bottom. Once it settles on the sand, I slowly let the line slip through my fingers until the board comes to a gradual stop. ...