You can actually put your own price tag on these books and make lots of money. There is so much more you can do with these eBooks that you get almost for free. Think of offering certain products as bonuses with others that you sell at a high price. What about offering these eBooks on...
12 Best Budgeting & Frugal Living Books 16 Best Real Estate Investment Books 33 Best Entrepreneur Books 18 Happiness Books 15 Best Books on Procrastination 7 Travel and Lifestyle Books 11 Best Philosophical Books to Expand Your Mind 13 Fitness and Exercise Books ...
Discover in this article, 20 best books on self-discipline and get inspired to reach your potential; put an end to your frustrations, bad habits, self-doubts, reach higher and higher. If you ask people “What’s the one thing you’d like to change about yourself?” most of us say “...
Whether it's unlocking the secrets of a joyous life with “Ikigai” or discovering your unique ‘why' throughSimon Sinek's thoughtful exercises, these 13 books are set to guide you on an unforgettable odyssey towards the fulfillment of your life's potential. Join us as we reveal the best b...
AA Milne The j ournalist AA Milne beca e fa ous for writing j u st two books, the first called Winnie-the-Pooh. There was only one child in his stories, who was actually based on his son, Christopher Robin, before he went to school. The other “people“ were either ani als or ...
The best books onProductivity, recommended by David Allen Read 2 BrainChains: Your Thinking Brain Explained in Simple Terms by Theo Compernolle If you feel like you lose whole days to procrastination or indecision—or simply have too much to do!—you probably want advice on how improve your ...
Talkspace is one of the most versatile therapy apps on the market, with a wide range of available providers and specialties. You can choose between several different subscription options at a wide range of prices, from the less expensive messaging-only option to a plan that includes one weekly...
Another “repeat offender” (on my best books lists for 2013 and2015), Kevin Barry demonstrates once again his Irish wizardry with prose. This time, a pair of aging gangsters sit and converse in a terminal in Morocco while waiting for an errant daughter to (possibly) arrive from Tangier. ...
Discover the best books you can find to improve your skills on critical thinking, so you can start making the right decisions and choices for yourself.
Looking for books about habits? After summarizing over 1,000 books, we've listed the 21 best habit books of all time for you. Browse now.