Tag Archives:best books of 2019 2019: My year in books Posted inThe Reading Life Another reading year has come and gone! Here’s a look back at the highlights of my year in books: Thank you, Goodreads, for letting me know that I’m probably good at other things besides reading! Funny...
So many books, so little time!! The beginning of the new year has us looking back at 2019 and tallying up all those amazing books that we just didn’t get to. Time to stack that TBR just a little higher with these top titles we missed last year… ✫ TANYA ✫ Normal People, Sa...
Goodreads, a site that allows users to rate and recommend books, recently released its community's picks for the best fiction books of 2015. This year, 190,758 users cast votes for the best fiction novel of 2015. The top pick received 31,093 votes, or 16 percent of the overall vote...
100 Best UK Book Blogs ⋅ 1. For Reading Addicts Blog ⋅ 2. Lovereading Blog ⋅ 3. A Little Blog of Books ⋅ 4. Lovereading 4 Kids Blog ⋅ 5. The Hub by London Bookfair ⋅ 6. Hodderscape
GoodReads is a "social cataloging" website that allows individuals to freely search its database of books, annotations, and reviews. Users can sign up and register books to generate library catalogs and reading lists. They can also create their own groups of book suggestions, surveys, polls, ...
For today’s “Best of 2019” post, I’m revealing my favorite books of the year! It actually wasn’t as hard as I imagined to whittle the 130 books I read this year to a top 10. I simply pulled out all of my five-star reads and then went to work taking out any books that ...
At work, they asked for my top three of the decade. After much soul-searching (I’ve read 1665 books over the past 10 years!) I chose these three: There were many more I could have chosen, but I’m content with these. And now for 2019!
goodreads网站可以说是美国的豆瓣,每年会选出不同类别图书的年度最佳,此为2016年榜单。 原址:https://www.goodreads.com/choiceawards/best-books-2016相关豆列: Goodreads BEST BOOKS OF 2009:https://www.douban.com/doulist/45901779/ Goodreads BEST BOOKS OF 2010:https://www.douban.com/doulist/45901738/ ...
我百度搜豆瓣成立时间是2005,知乎上有Goodreads的介绍帖,说成立时间是2007,也不知道准不准。i ... Ingrid 想了一下🤔感觉既然有了网络那网络评分这个应该自然而然就会出现... 话说那豆瓣把评分推广到音乐和书好像是原创 赞 回复 加勒比闲鱼 2022-10-13 12:09:35 山东 但是这榜单叫best books,不是most...
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