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Goodreads has a listing of “Popular Free Kindle eBooks”. The listing says there are over 11,000 free ebooks in the list. This is a mix of newer works and classics, though the vast majority appear to be newer works. They all appear to be free a lot of the time. All of the works...
We collected the best books on writing on writing, publishing and marketing a bestselling book. We are focusing here mainly for self-publishers since the majority of new authors trying to publish their work themselves so we would like to support them. We also put this list on Goodreads so...
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Goodreads has a listing of “Popular Free Kindle eBooks”. The listing says there are over 11,000 free ebooks in the list. This is a mix of newer works and classics, though the vast majority appear to be newer works. They all appear to be free a lot of the time. All of the works...
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Goodreads, a site that allows users to rate and recommend books, recently released its community's picks for the best fiction books of 2015. This year, 190,758 users cast votes for the best fiction novel of 2015. The top pick received 31,093 votes, or 16 percent of the overall vote...
16. GoodReads GoodReads is a "social cataloging" website that allows individuals to freely search its database of books, annotations, and reviews. Users can sign up and register books to generate library catalogs and reading lists. They can also create their own groups of book suggestions, surv...
In fact, the Kids Edition is so close to our ideal Kindle interface, we wish Amazon would offer it as a mode for adults who just want to read the book, and not dabble in the Goodreads community. Otherwise, the Kindle Kids Edition is the same tablet as the 2019 Kindle. You get the ...
Oh wow!#wewereliars@goodreadsaward.https://t.co/asEejoHS1b. Hooray for@rainbowrowell! best novel, Landline.pic.twitter.com/Ba53THQlBd — E. Lockhart (@elockhart)December 2, 2014 To see the full list of top books of the year, visitGoodreads.com....