10 Best Books About Mental Illness Time to fill your bookshelf with good books about mental illness to read. I’m including Young Adult books that have been published in 2020. These are fresh and real, vibrant and full of aching. Reading them might just change your life. 1.HOW IT FEELS...
Readers like this book because it frees up a lot of space in one's mind to live and enjoy, rather than obsessively trying to gain perfect mind control. It is written in an approachable manner by a well-informed professional who is able to easily gain the reader's trust. More Books on ...
Apple Books | $2.99Amazon Kindle Clive Cussler Condor's Fury by Graham Brown Kurt Austin faces mind-control technology and cutting-edge weaponry in the latest novel in the #1 New York Times -bestselling series created by the “grand master of adventure” Clive Cussler. On a NUMA training mis...
However,thereexistsoneproblemaboutreading.ThereareallkindsofBooksinsociety.Somearegood,whileothersarebad.'Goodbooksarebeneficialtoour.soulwhilebadonesareharmfultoourmind.Therefore,itisofgreatirnportanceforthereadertoseparategoodplantsfromwildweeds.Weshouldreadgoodbooksandrejectharmfulones。 还剩1/2 页未读,请...
25 best-selling meditation books: 1. Wherever You Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn 2. The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh 3. Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryū Suzuki 4. Mindfulness in Plain English by Henepola Gunaratana 5. 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My...
13、t'swhyIlikereadingbooksandstudyingharderinclass.MybestfriendYuanLiisquiettoo,soweenjoystudyingtogether.I'mshysoit'snoteasyformetomakefriends.ButIthinkfriendsarelikebooksyoudon'tneedalotofthemaslongasthey'regood.HuangLeiIt'snotnecessarytobethesame.MybestfriendLarryisquitediffe 14、rentfromme.Heistalle...
This is one of a series of books that help the reader fashion his or her communications to better suit a variety of relationships; others in the series include Teens, for example. A key insight is that structuring your communications with your kids so that you actually encourage their autonomy...
If you’re tired of reading books that only steal your time, the following list is for you. It’s a reading list that will help you to quickly find the best books in various categories. I’ve tried to be as selective as possible, which allows you to quickly find the precious gems in...
which was long listed for the Booker Prize,follows a boy as he works to build a permanent motion machine,which to him is not just an engineering project,but a way to get closer to the mother he never knew.In his mind,these things are closely linked(这部小说长期被列为布克奖的获奖作品,...
25 Best Books for Intellectuals to Get Your Mind Moving Discover our expert guide with books for intellectuals that will prompt you to ponder important questions and start looking for deeper meaning in your life. Searching for the meaning of life? Questioning your religion and how the world got...