Left Behind: A New Economics for Neglected Placesby Paul Collier(Allen Lane/PublicAffairs) It has been an article of faith in conventional economics that market forces will drive recovery in places that have fallen behind. But the evidence is clear: this belief, so devoutly held in His Majesty...
Tim Ferriss is a serial entrepreneur and best-selling author known for profoundly influential business books like "The 4-Hour Workweek," "Tribe of Mentors," and "Tools of Titans." His work has transformed the way people think about productivity, entrepreneurship, and personal development, offering...
来源地址:https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/7874.Best_Economics_Books 豆瓣小组-社科读书会,豆瓣-人类学的想象力。Google翻译-下面有英文原文,经济学书单,比社会学书单的『学』的浓度要高很多。 1 对国富论的性质和原因的探究 [作者] 亚当·斯密 2 通往农奴制之路 [by] Friedrich A. Hayek 3 就业、利息...
The Best Conservation Books of 2021 Charlotte Smith, Buy nowListen now The Spirit of Green: The Economics of Collisions and Contagions in a Crowded World William Nordhaus, an economist at the University of Yale who won the 2018 Nobel Prize for economics, has written a book about environmentalis...
For subjects like philosophy, history, economics, and science these book recommendations have been specifically made for Five Books. For broad subjects like nonfiction and fiction, where there are so many books and topics it's impossible for any individual to make a call on what the best books...
The Wealth of Nationscontinues to impact economic theory today and is a must-read for economics students. If you want to understand the origins of modern economics, pick up a copy of this book from Amazon. “It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, cloath and lodge the whole body...
In my opinion,Saving Capitalism from the Capitalistsdeserves nothing less than 5 stars, especially when considering students coming from finance majors. Written by renowned authors Raghuram G. Rajan and Luigi Zingales, this book can be considered a major course on finance. Do you know why, and ...
The topic of economics is rich with great writing, and many books have been published over the years that tackle economic issues for a popular audience. Here is our list of ten of the best books in the area of economics. Many of the books here are econo
$0 Monthly Service Fee while in school up to the graduation date provided at account opening (five years maximum) for students 17-24 years old. Wire funds internationally using the Chase Mobile® app or chase.com. Send money to recipients around the world with multiple currency options. Fee...
Open Culture is more academic in nature, thus there are more excellent reading materials for students. The collection is not huge, with approximately over 700 titles, which are slanted towards students. There is also an internal committee to scrutinize all books before being published. ...