来源地址:https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/7874.Best_Economics_Books 豆瓣小组-社科读书会,豆瓣-人类学的想象力。Google翻译-下面有英文原文,经济学书单,比社会学书单的『学』的浓度要高很多。 1 对国富论的性质和原因的探究 [作者] 亚当·斯密 2 通往农奴制之路 [by] Friedrich A. Hayek 3 就业、利息...
US Economics Books to read in 2024 to broaden your knowledge in Economics. User verified book suggestions such as 'The Origin of Wealth' and '23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism' by top notch authors like Eric D. Beinhocker and Ha-Joon Chang.
It has been an article of faith in conventional economics that market forces will drive recovery in places that have fallen behind. But the evidence is clear: this belief, so devoutly held in His Majesty’s Treasury, is wrong. As a result, argues Oxford’s Collier,England has among the de...
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Books of the Year 2021 All this week, FT writers and critics share their favourites. Some highlights are: Monday: Business by Andrew HillTuesday: Politics by Gideon RachmanWednesday: Economics by Martin WolfThursday: Fiction by Laura BattleFriday: History by Tony BarberSaturday: Critics’ choice ...
The Best Economics Books of 2019, recommended by Diane Coyle The urgency of the challenges facing society has led to a wonderful supply of books by leading thinkers on a variety of pressing topics. EconomistDiane Coyle, a professor at the University of Cambridge and co-director of the Bennett...
33 of the best business books Best business books for starting a business Best business books for new entrepreneurs Best business books for work and life skills Best business books about mindset Best business books about money 4 business books recommended by experts Reading builds entrepreneurial succe...
This is one website that talks about their free e-books in term of computer storage. All in all, their 4485 e-books occupy some 71.97 GB on their hard disk, and they spread across 96 categories. They tend to focus on technology stuff so don’t come here if you feel like getting a...
The topic of economics is rich with great writing, and many books have been published over the years that tackle economic issues for a popular audience. Here is our list of ten of the best books in the area of economics. Many of the books here are econo
One of the best stock market books in history treats stocks and other investment assets the same way as tulips and Beanie Babies. As the winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Economics, Robert Shiller understands the markets and has spent his career studying their movements. Irrational Exuberance ex...