Magnetic Sponsoringis unlike anything you’ve ever seen or read before when it comes to building a network marketing or MLM business. This is NOT a book for people who want to follow the herd, or get average results handing out samples, holding home parties, or buying leads. It is for t...
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Through the manageable (but meaningful) how-to tips inSell Local, Think Global–now available in bookstores, nationwide, and online–small business owners and operators have started to make small, incremental changes that have, in turn, boosted their bottom lines. In fact, Steve Kinney, CEO of...
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1.Social Media Marketing Workbook(2025) by Jason McDonald Ph.D. Rating: 4.4/5 Books by Jason McDonald are unique. They include worksheets for the procedures you need to do. This updated social media marketing book for 2025 includes video training, PDF worksheets, tools, and step-by-step ...
Details here: Bookstores sell books. Here’s one of the best ways to reach out to booksellers to sell your book! Click To Tweet Education in 501 Words Or Lessby John Kremer ...
Book marketing expert John Kremer is the author of1001 Ways to Market Your Books, mentor to authors who have sold over a billion books, and founder of the Billion Book Initiative to help the next generation of book authors sell another billion books. Over the past 39 years, he has helped...
11. Ahrefs » Affiliate Marketing Blog + Follow Blog Affiliate marketing is where you get paid to promote other people's products or services online. Check out the resources below to learn how to earn commissions from your content. Facebook ...
1-Page Marketing Planby Allan Dib (2018) The 1-page marketing method is laid out in this book, and it solves one of the most common issues with human behavior: it gives a clear starting place from which to work, and sets readers up with an easy, step-by-step way to develop the me...
I’ve spent a lot of time experimenting with different onlinemarketing strategies this year. Below you’ll find the best of the best – my top 10 favorite online marketing strategies that create and exploit unicorns to give you the best possible bang for your buck. ...