小人鱼英语阅读创作的外语有声书作品Best Books for 2nd Graders,目前已更新8个声音,收听最新音频章节The Big Balloon Race。小学二年级英文课外阅读
Discover the best book lists and reviews covering a wide range of books from picture books, middle grade, YA, and more.
Discover the best book lists and reviews covering a wide range of books from picture books, middle grade, YA, and more.
The best beginning chapter books for readers ages 6, 7 and 8, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade, designed to develop reading interest and reading comprehension.
A grandmother and small child take a beach walk on a gray day. The story tells how they “crouched to greet dogs,”“skirted a fence,”“leapt over logs,” and more. The language is gorgeous but concise. Use this book as a mentor text for reading-comprehension strategies or narrative-...
Have You Seen My Dinosaur?was written by Jon Surgal and illustrated by Joe Mathieu. When a young boy loses his dinosaur, he asks for help finding it. Kids will love finding the dinosaur in silly places throughout the book. Oh Say Can You Di-no-saur?was written by Bonnie Worth and il...
Four siblings visit a creepy desert hotel and plunge into a haunting adventure. This mesmerizing and mysterious picture book is guaranteed to get your fourth graders talking, wondering, flipping back to check text evidence, and making inferences. ...
Health Check-up for School Bus Drivers When it comes to transporting students, the fitness of school bus drivers is of paramount importance. Know More Get Hooked on to a Good Book 'Get Hooked on to a Good Book' Know More Walking in the Heritage District Ajman, the home of UAE’s he...
Bay Area theater goers will strike gold again with an upcoming production ofRickshaw Girl, based on the beautiful book of the same name by Matali Perkins. Oakland’s own Bay Area Children’s Theatre (BACT) opens its theatrical debut ofRickshaw Girlon April 2nd and audiences are sure to fall...
Pre-algebra with pizzazz superstar, solution final exam operation research Winston, beginning algebra for 2nd graders, matlab solving simultaneous equations using matrix, calculator that factors trinomials. TI 89 Two Linear Equations in Two Unknowns Graphically, differential equation solving second order, ...