In fact some of the best romance anime isn't strictly about love, but rather a combination of multiple genres. In the hit series Inuyasha, the love between Inuyasha and Kagome is strong throughout the series, but it takes a back seat to the fighting and action scenes that really drive ...
Nacho Vigalondo's innovative and daring film, Colossal, puts a fresh spin on the monster movie genre with its unique blend of fantasy, black comedy, and psychological drama. The film follows a troubled woman who discovers her inexplicable connection to a giant creature wreaking havoc across the...
Huluis a terrific streaming service to watch some of the best anime. On top of the platform’s solid lineup of live-action content, fans can enjoy a robust anime catalog. With a well-stocked vault of classics, modern hits, and ongoing series, the streamer is sure to suit every anime f...
This series follows five Black Londoners who suddenly find themselves with superpowers. Michael (Tosin Cole) discovers his ability to leap through time and space, burdened with the knowledge that he has only three months to save his fiancée's life. Alongside Michael, a diverse cast of character...
Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis play Mickey and Mallory Knox like Bonnie and Clyde on a psychosis bender, but the black magic of the film’s MTV-on-peyote imagery is that it literally becomes the experience they’re living inside. “Natural Born Killers” is about love and murder and ...
Recent advances in single-cell technologies have enabled high-throughput molecular profiling of cells across modalities and locations. Single-cell transcriptomics data can now be complemented by chromatin accessibility, surface protein expression, adaptive immune receptor repertoire profiling and spatial informat...
Dark soapstone countertops and black-stained knotty alder cabinetry add to the rustic character of this Wisconsin lake home, while sunny yellow lanterns and an orange range offset the darker finishes. “We wanted the open kitchen and great room to feel like an old lodge,” says homewoner Sarah...
The bold black and red animation in this video tells the story of the body’s T-cells, which protect us from cancer – until they don’t. Immunotherapy works by turning these T-cells back on and helping the body to fight cancer. First aired during Super Bowl 50, the ad went on to ...
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