Nate Daniels and his two teenage daughters travel to a South African game reserve managed by Martin Battles, an old family friend and wildlife biologist. However, what begins as a journey of healing soon turns into a fearsome fight for survival when a lion, a survivor of bloodthirsty poacher...
I'm Sarah-Jean. I'm a Christian, the wife of a handsome Molecular Biologist, and the homeschooling mother of 5 beautiful kids! This blog is a place for me to share how we live and what I love most. I'm on a mission to help busy moms like you, be fashionable too!MORE Email *...
With a completed Master’s in Biology degree, students will have gain the knowledge and information needed to begin a career as a biologist working in biological research. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, microbiologists earn a median annual salary of $66,850/year. This job market...
Lena, a biologist and former soldier, joins a mission to uncover what happened to her husband inside Area X -- a sinister and mysterious phenomenon that is expanding across the American coastline. Once inside, the expedition discovers a world of mutated landscapes and creatures, as dange...
and shaking it all up. Detailed instructions are included with the kit, and you will also find them online. Results are available within two to four weeks after sending your sample, but many customers have experienced delays due to the high volume of samples being submitted, according to Ances...
I asked a water biologist if Tawera had a chance of reaching 69, my current age. She also has two teenage children. Her answer, if we keep putting off what we need to do, probably not. but she had hope that the new generations were waking up and would do what it takes. I have ...
If you love the ocean and its creatures, being a marine biologist might be just the thing for you. Marine biologists do important work like studying the tiny life forms in water, such as bacteria and tiny plants. They also investigate how the ocean is changing and what that might mean for...
When widowed marine biologist Abel (Garrel) learns that his impulsive mum Sylvie (Anouk Grinberg) is once again... [More] Starring: Louis Garrel, Roschdy Zem, Anouk Grinberg, Noémie Merlant Directed By: Louis Garrel The Three Musketeers: Part I - D'Artagnan 98% #15 Critics Consensus...
Is your little one a budding marine biologist? An astronaut-in-training? Or maybe a future botanist? There’s an app for that. They’re a treasure trove of ‘did-you-knows’ and ‘what-ifs’ that can turn any ordinary moment into an extraordinary learning experience, fostering a lifelong...
There could be some careers in neuroscience research that only require a master's degree, but advanced positions, such as a career as a neurobiologist, medical scientist, or psychologist, typically requires a doctoral degree. Graduates with their master's could take on management positions within ...