Nate Daniels and his two teenage daughters travel to a South African game reserve managed by Martin Battles, an old family friend and wildlife biologist. However, what begins as a journey of healing soon turns into a fearsome fight for survival when a lion, a survivor of bloodthirsty poacher...
Based on Jeff VanderMeer's mind-bending science fiction novel, Annihilation is directed by Alex Garland and stars Natalie Portman as Lena – a biologist who joins an all-female research team to investigate a mysterious phenomenon known as "The Shimmer." Combining stunning visuals with intense acti...
26 Great Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs More Related articles In partnership with,presents the b. newsletter: Building Better Businesses Insights on business strategy and culture, right to your inbox. Part of the network. Email InputSubscribe...
It was thought to have been 392 years old when it was caught four years ago. However, because the testing method is so new, it is not exact.The study’s lead author is Julius Nielsen, a marine biologist from Denmark. He says the 392 number could have an error range of 120 years in...
The study’s lead author is Julius Nielsen, a marine biologist from Denmark. He says the 392 number could have an error range of 120 years in either direction. That means the shark was probably born sometime between the years 1500 and 1740, with 1620 being the most likely. 'It's an ...
The stunning nature and wildlife photos captured by this photographer slash marine biologist will teach you why using photography to support a cause is so important and how you can join the movement. Breakfast & Bowls Behold, the drool-worthy results of finding the perfect balance between ...
“The Booker Prize is the biggest fiction award in the UK and Ireland. Paul Lynch won the £50,000 prize in 2023 forProphet Song,a darkly prophetic novel set in a near-future Ireland that theNew York Timesdescribed as ‘an unsettling dystopian parable.’ In it, a biologist and mother ...
There could be some careers in neuroscience research that only require a master's degree, but advanced positions, such as a career as a neurobiologist, medical scientist, or psychologist, typically requires a doctoral degree. Graduates with their master's could take on management positions within ...
Being a biologist, Sapolsky goes into all the causes of stress as well as all the bad implcations on what it can do to our bodies. One of the things that make this book great, however, is the writing. Sapolsky is a world-class scientist, but he shares his ideas in easy going person...
I liked this article about the language of birds, involving the work of people such as this biologist and bird ecologist, Sonia Kleindorfer: How scientists started to decode birdsong (The New Yorker). “To me, the most amazing thing is that every generation of vocal learners has its own so...