L. Over-optimism in bioinformatics: an illustration. Bioinformatics 26, 1990–1998 (2010). This paper emphasizes the importance of evaluating methods on ‘fresh’ validation data sets that were not used for tuning the method under evaluation. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Szikszai, M., ...
Track 9:Bioinformatics AI in bioinformaticsencompasses both basic and clinical research, utilizing techniques such as biological sequence matching,protein-protein interaction, and function-structure analysis. This research plays a crucial role in drug design and the exploration of complex systems. Bioinformat...
ofbioinformaticsandcomputational biologyto design new vaccine candidates. However, the ultimate goal of a new vaccine is to instruct the immune system to elicit an effective immune response against the pathogen of interest, and no alternatives to live animal use currently exist for evaluation of this...
HGT, the transmission of genetic information between organisms, is thought to be an important driver of microbial evolution and adaptation, including the development of antibiotic resistance and virulence [9, 10]. Several bioinformatics tools have been developed using a range of algorithms and features...
Reporting practices for technical limitations should be consistent with other NGS-based testing standards49. In addition to listing key components of the bioinformatics pipeline, the description of the analysis strategy should define all filtering and/or prioritization approaches used. The known limitations...
The top digital agencies report evaluates more than 5,300 digital marketing agencies based on Agency Spotter's proprietary research methodology. This report takes a broad look at digital marketing agencies, including digital strategy, marketing automation, web, mobile, e-commerce, social media, content...
Differential accessibility (DA) analysis of single-cell epigenomics data enables the discovery of regulatory programs that establish cell type identity and steer responses to physiological and pathophysiological perturbations. While many statistical meth
Genetic and genomic data are collected for a vast array of scientific and applied purposes. Despite mandates for public archiving, data are typically used only by the generating authors. The reuse of genetic and genomic datasets remains uncommon because
Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are formed in all domains of life and via different mechanisms. There has been an explosion in the number of circRNA papers in recent years; however, as a relatively young field, circRNA biology has an urgent need for common experimental standards for isolating, analyzin...
Biobanking refers to the systematic collection, storage, and distribution of pre- or post-mortem biological samples derived from volunteer donors. The dema