Fun facts: Margaret Gabrielle Vere Long published over 150 historical romances, supernatural horror stories, popular histories and biographies — most frequently under the pseudonym “Marjorie Bowen.” Fritz Leiber, author of the witchcraft thriller Conjure Wife, called Black Magic“brilliant.” E.M. ...
Cie EA EO - Neta Oren, Biographies / Club Optimiste - Fanny Alvarez, Feu / Groupe Acrobatique de Tanger - Raphaëlle Boitel, KA-IN / Cie KIAÏ - Cyrille Musy, Loops / Cie Defracto - Guillaume Martinet, Monographie / Cie The Ratpack - Xavier Lavabre & Ann-Katrin Jornot, Sans regre...
Best business books that present real-life business case studies or biographies of successful entrepreneurs and business leaders. Shoe Dog by Phil Knight Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon by ...
Fun facts: Margaret Gabrielle Vere Long published over 150 historical romances, supernatural horror stories, popular histories and biographies — most frequently under the pseudonym “Marjorie Bowen.” Fritz Leiber, author of the witchcraft thriller Conjure Wife, called Black Magic“brilliant.” * E.M...
The world is filled with crappy graphic biographies. But, like Oubrerie and Julie Birmant’s previousPABLOor Steffen Keverneland’sMUNCH, this one is different. (It's also Oubrerie's first outing as an artist-author). Although he couldn't have picked a more daunting subject, Voltaire himself...
Cie EA EO - Neta Oren, Biographies / Club Optimiste - Fanny Alvarez, Feu / Groupe Acrobatique de Tanger - Raphaëlle Boitel, KA-IN / Cie KIAÏ - Cyrille Musy, Loops / Cie Defracto - Guillaume Martinet, Monographie / Cie The Ratpack - Xavier Lavabre & Ann-Katrin Jornot, Sans regre...
"This is a masterwork in which Lehman's encyclopedic knowledge of film, literature, and cultural history is synthesized by way of lively exegesis, quotes, poems (his own), catalogs, mini-biographies, and eclectic, brilliantly illuminated byways, both classical and pulp. His vivid, chromatic style...