"Succession" is the series to binge-watch. The HBO phenomenon follows the turmoil of the Roy siblings (Kendall, Roman, Shiv, and Connor) and their fight over their father's international media conglomerate, Waystar Royco (the show's precious, flawed centerpiece)...
We're sure you already have Netflix for binge-watching movies and some TV shows, and it's an amazing service for that purpose, but that's obviously not acompletereplacement for cable and live television. The reality is that you might have to get more than one service to cover all of ...
Shows to Binge-Watch: "Grey's Anatomy" "Grey's" is still going strong — who'd have thought? Since 2005, we've been eagerly watching the medical careers and personal exploits of a group of (remarkably attractive) doctors in Seattle, all connected to Meredith Grey, the ambitious and messy...
You will fall in love with this couple and simply will not be able to stop watching or move on with your life until you find out how their story ends.* — K.G. How long: Eight hours, over eight episodes. How to watch: From Scratch is now streaming on Netflix....
That’s why we’ve rounded up some of the best TV shows to binge-watch on Netflix, whether you’re watching with a partner, your roomie, or just enjoying a solo night in. From tense dramas to lol-worthy comedies about the highs and lows of high school, these shows will have you ...
Twitch isn’t for everyone (some people don’t “get” the idea of watching people play video games), but Twitch is best on the biggest screen in your house. That’s why I have the Twitch tvOS app pretty high on my home screen, as I love to see both the streamers I like and the...
Also ranks #2 on The Saddest Anime Series of All Time 16 The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten 2023 4,357 votes Mahiru Shiina is a beautiful, smart, prime, and proper young woman who has earned the nickname “Angel" by many. In contrast, her next-door neighbor Amane Fujimiya is the ...
Best Netflix movies: the 41 best films worth watching in January 2025 Features By Tom Power Contributions from Amelia Schwanke, Axel Metz, Lucy Buglass, Grace Morris, Matthew Bolton last updated January 4, 2025 What are the best Netflix movies to stream today? TechRadar reveals all When...
many forget that premium television networks likeShowtimeandStarzare fantastic places to find good series worthy of binge-watching. In particular, Showtime is an underrated channel with a true variety of original programming to fit anyone's taste, no matter what they are looking for. Don't want...
Joe Goldberg (Penn Badgley,Gossip Girl) is a fascinating combination of bookstore manager and serial killer. We’ve been following the journey of this seductive stalker since the series first hit our screens and we just can’t stop watching – especially in 2023 when the story moved to Englan...