Set in the eponymous North Carolina town, this teen drama revolves around the tumultuous lives of two half-brothers who share a passion for basketball and a complicated family history. Through a whirlwind of romance, heartbreak, and friendships, these young characters grapple with life's challenges...
After discovering he's a werewolf, a high school basketball player uses his newfound powers to become the most popular kid in school. But as the fantastical abilities threaten to take over his life, he must learn to balance his supernatural side with his human identity, resulting in ...
Sarah Vincent (she/her) covers the latest and greatest in books and all things pets for Good Housekeeping. She double majored in Creative Writing and Criminal Justice at Loyola University Chicago, where she sat in the front row for every basketball game. In her spare time, she loves cooking...
Like all teens, she occasionally wants her space — especially when spending time with her cute new boyfriend. But for the most part, the two Tolliver women make up a “well-oiled, good-looking, and good-smelling machine,” and Tiger wouldn’t have it any other way. Then, Tiger’s ...
Based on Greg Rucka’s comic book, the film from Gina Prince-Bythewood (The Woman King, Love & Basketball) follows Theron’s Andy and her team of centuries-old assassins who can pop bullets out of their bodies and heal from gnarly wounds in no time. The team includes an ancient gay ...
Hoopsby Walter Dean Myers is a great book for teen boys. It follows Lonnie Jackson who dreams of being a big-time basketball player one day, but must deal with the pressures of life that get in the way. For a bonus H pick, check outThe Hate U Giveby Angie Thomas which tells the ...
WithSkee-ball, a popular game you’ll find in most arcades, he advises to brace your leg in the same spot and try to only move your arm to reduce other variables. He also educates about how the basketball game works using the concept of a beam break detector. In each case, he talks...
At, we cater to a young visitor demographic. It is well known throughfamous athletic trainerssuch as Mike Chang thatbasketball for teensis recommended for those looking to cut weight. We are about providing our readers with unique, unvarnished, long term analysis and ...
Still, to reduce this complex and original comedy to its most lowbrow moments (true, the basketball scene is horrifying) is to miss out on its oceans of brilliant writing and mid-aughts charm. Conversely, to appreciate it for what it is — an out-of-the-box romance that gave us Ben ...
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