The dynamic between the socially awkward computer geniuses Maurice Moss (Richard Ayoade) and Roy Trenneman (Chris O'Dowd), along with their technologically inept manager Jen Barber (Katherine Parkinson), results in amusing scenarios that showcase how they navigate through office politics and personal...
Edited with the quick-chopping fury of a Darren Aronofsky movie, this pacy and occasionally very funny film looks at a love triangle forming at a busy barber’s shop: hairdresser Joe (Uno Henning) is madly in love with manicurist Sally (Norah Baring) but can’t quite seal the deal, a ...
Revel in the boundless optimism and infectious melodies of Annie –a beloved musical that has captivated generations with its tale of courage, hope, and family amidst trying circumstances. Featuring memorable songs such as "Tomorrow" and "It's the Hard-Knock Life," this heartening product...
Beachland Ballroom co-owner Cindy Barber rattles off the names of artists tentatively scheduled to play the venue this fall: Waxahatchee, Yo La Tengo, Thee Oh Sees, Caroline Rose, Baths, Brand X, Moon Hooch. “Something’s gonna happen, because they wouldn’t be booking shows if there wa...
"Truth Be Told," previously known as "Are You Sleeping," is a drama that is based on a novel by Kathleen Barber. It focuses on the story of a podcast that reopens a murder case, similar to popular podcast "Serial." The show explores how the reopening of the murder case impacts the...
MOST GRACEFUL UNDER PRESSURE| CurrentWickedstars Christine Dwyer and Jenni Barber had to know that no one wanted to see them duet on “For Good” to honor the show’s 10th anniversary. We wanted Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel, of course. Yet they did a lovely job of filling the Broadw...
(Image from Wendie Barrie) April 17, 2010 Suspense - The Bride Vanishes In "The Bride Vanishes," a married couple must solve a mystery involving a disappearing bride and a haunted sea cave. As the episode opens, a steamship is chugging along on its way to the island of Capri. Onboard ...
Edited with the quick-chopping fury of a Darren Aronofsky movie, this pacy and occasionally very funny film looks at a love triangle forming at a busy barber’s shop: hairdresser Joe (Uno Henning) is madly in love with manicurist Sally (Norah Baring) but can’t quite seal the deal, a ...
The dynamic between the socially awkward computer geniuses Maurice Moss (Richard Ayoade) and Roy Trenneman (Chris O'Dowd), along with their technologically inept manager Jen Barber (Katherine Parkinson), results in amusing scenarios that showcase how they navigate through office politics and personal...
The dynamic between the socially awkward computer geniuses Maurice Moss (Richard Ayoade) and Roy Trenneman (Chris O'Dowd), along with their technologically inept manager Jen Barber (Katherine Parkinson), results in amusing scenarios that showcase how they navigate through office politics and personal...