More importantly, be sure you are using some sort of a potting mix in your containers. It doesn't have to be organic. But if you want your vegetables and other plants to grow strong and healthy, then they need some sort of potting mix. Don't use a top soil, bagged manure or anythi...
Most prepared soils that are bagged and sold at garden centers and home supply stores have been prepared months in advance of the actual sale. Normally, these mixed soils are composed, sterilized or at least heat-treated to eliminate any diseases, weed seeds and other pathogens that could ultim...
The world was a better place when small farms and small independent business were the norm and not the exception... Local family farms that create local food naturally are better for our economy and better for our health than the huge industrial agricultural machine. The reality is big business...
Bates Nursery and Garden Centeris family-owned and operated, and has been beautifying Nashville since 1932. They offer an exceptional selection of trees, shrubs, perennial and annual landscaping plants, vegetable starts, houseplants, and pottery just a short drive from Downtown Nashville. Best For:...