Superstar LeBron James and his young son, Dom, get trapped in digital space by a rogue AI. To get home safely, LeBron teams up with Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and the rest of the Looney Tunes gang for a high-stakes basketball game against the AI's digitized champions of the court -- a...
Guided by rogue CIA agent Gust Avrakotos (Philip Seymour Hoffman), Wilson embarks on a mission that changes the course of history. This political drama, based on a true story, won Hoffman an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor and is a vivid portrayal of power-play a...
Rogue Legacywas a groundbreaking addition to the genre that masterfully blended Metroidvania-style gameplay with roguelike elements. Developed by Cellar Door Games, it lets players control heroes with individual impairments while also giving them the chance to keep any upgrades and purchases they make i...
That said, Mobile Security’s Scanning engine goes beyond the expected to look at system software, apps and data for threats. It can even spot Windows and Mac viruses. In addition to monitoring Web sites for potential malware exposure, ESET has a built-in security barrier for rogue code on...
World of Horror is one of the most unique roguelites we’ve seen on the Switch eShop. Its expert fusion of text-based adventure, survival horror, and roguelike mechanics makes for a difficult, harrowing, and spooky adventure that we’d recommend investigating. Not everyone will be charmed by...
This is the ultimate list of the best RPGs you can play on PC right now, chosen by our experts and updated with the best games from the last year.
Rogue Companyis a novel contender in the online shooter arena that draws inspiration from multiplayer shooters like Fortnite, Overwatch, and Call of Duty. The game tries to strike a balance between rapid-paced action and tactical combat that requires teamwork and coordination. ...
Final Fantasy 12 instead offers us subtle detail backed up by a bottomless well of historical lore, a tale where every minor detail has been included for a reason, where every facial expression and shift in someone's posture—even when they're standing in the background—has been created ...
Rogue Build – Thief Sorcerer Build – Wild Magic Wizard Build – Evocation School Paladin – Oath of Ancients More Baldur’s Gate Guides & Builds If you want to check out the map of Baldur’s Gate 3, please visit theBaldur’s Gate 3 Interactive Map. ...
The 3rd-person shooter game genre pulls the camera back to allow a player to say, “I’m that person” and both watch and control that person doing amazing things. Sometimes you may have the itch to be a little bit removed from the action and not be the character. You control the on...