This award winning film explores the enigmatic connection that can form between two seemingly distant souls, transcending time and space. Mitsuha Miyamizu, a small-town high school girl, and Taki Tachibana, a city boy from Tokyo, find themselves inexplicably swapping bodies a few times a week, ...
The Oscar-winning franchise by Peter Jackson bounces around the streaming services with alarming regularity, now finding its way to Max for an indeterminate amount of time. Watch the entire saga of Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gange, and the rest of the Fellowship while you can. The Lord of the Ri...
Best Movies Winning Oscar/Golden Globe When it comes to the movies that merit your lifetime collection, nobody will deny those winning Oscar, Golden Globe and Golden Palm. Films such as Spotlight, The Revenant, Mad Max: Fury Road, Inside Out, etc won the 88thAcademy Awards 2017surely offer...
See more Movies Features TOPICS Best List Categories Netflix Streaming Services Jakob Barnes Contributor Jakob is a freelance journalist with a decade’s worth of experience in the entertainment sector. He founded the award-winning independent outlet JumpCut Online, before joining the staff at The...
The best movies from 2022 to watch right now, including Top Gun: Maverick, Nope, and the best movie of 2022, RRR. These are the best new movies to watch in theaters and at home on Netflix and other streaming services.
Based on Erich Maria Remarque’s landmark novel of the same name (which was first adapted into a feature film in 1930), this award-winning German-language movie tells the story of a young German soldier (Felix Kammerer) whose naive expectations of fighting for his country are shattered by ...
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Christmas 2024 My best sex ever was with a customer at Christmas Why the royals actually exchange gifts on Xmas Eve How to come (at) home for Christmas Not out to your family? Here’s how to survive Xmas ...
For now, Paramount+ can’t compare to the depth of a catalogue like Max’s or the award-winning original works at other streamers, but it has a solid library with at least 30 films you should see. This Month’s Editor’s Pick *Arrival Year: 2016Runtime: 1h 56mDirector: Denis Vil...
Apollo 10 ½: A Space Age Childhood (2022) (Image credit: Netflix) Apollo 10 ½: A Space Age Childhood is one of those great family-friendly movies that also just a great movie in general. And when you see its animation style and take note of all the emotion conveyed, you won't...
" isone of their very best. An adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque's groundbreaking novel that was also the source of Universal Pictures' Academy Award-winning film of the same name, "All Quiet on the Western Front" is the antithesis of most American-made war films. This is not a...