Auto Loans How to Find the Best Auto Loan Rates in 2025 When it comes to financing a car, the auto loan rate can make a significant difference in how much you end up paying over the life of your loan. As we move into 2025, it’s important to know how to secure the best auto...
Some sources provide average auto loan interest rates on a monthly basis, but they aren’t broken down by credit score. In January 2025, automotive site listed the average car loan interest rate for December 2024 as 6.6% APR for new car loans and 10.8% APR for used car loans...
Find the best auto loan rates available on the market today for all credit types. Get started with just a few clicks and start comparing today.
Compare Best Auto Loan Rates by Provider LenderLowest RateLoan AmountLoan Terms LightStream 3.99% $35,000 72 months MyAutoLoans 1.90% $35,000 61-72 months Capital One Depends on credit score $35,000 72 months Santander (as Chrysler Capital) 1.9% Depends on vehicle 60 months Wells Fargo ...
Looking for Personal Loans? debt? We rank the top Personal Loans of 2025. Compare the top brands and choose the best one for you.
LenderLowest RateLoan AmountLoan Terms Read more onAverage Auto Loan Rates here. Reasons to Get an Auto Loan New Car Loans New cars are getting more expensive as time goes on, which can make it impossible for all but the most financially secure buyers to pay up front for a car. That’...
Loans for New Cars Get the best possible loan for your new car and drive away a winner. Loans for Used Cars Just because your car is not new doesn't mean you can't get a great loan rate. Refinance Your Current Auto Loan Don't like your current auto loan? You can always refinance ...
Check your credit score: Many lenders have minimum credit score requirements to qualify, but there are loans for bad credit borrowers as well. However, lenders typically use your credit score to determine your interest rate, too. The stronger your score, the better rate and terms you may get...
What is a good interest rate for an auto loan? + The average car loan interest rate for a new vehicle sits at around 5%, so anything below that is good. Used car interest rates, however, are slightly higher on average, hovering around 9%. ...
This week, borrowers with bad credit were quoted average rates of 33.47% for 3-year loans and 29.06% for 5-year loans.Related >>The best personal loans for bad credit in 2024Understanding personal loan ratesThe rate on your personal loan generally refers to how much the lender charges you...