Though it is a defense type, it has all the strength and skills of an attack type. I just can't believe that it isn't even in the top 10. Please vote for Kreis Cygnus and bring it into the position it deserves - number 1! Kreis Cygnus is a really cool Beyblade. My Kreis Cygnus...
- B2GM 21:05 雷诺Raynor Hyperion - FULL ATTACK SPEED + PEPPER DINGS! - B2GM 21:55 克尔苏加德 Kelthuzad Fissure - WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS LATEGAME ROBOT DOING?! - B2GM 30:54 纳兹波 Nazeebo Gargantuan - TANKZEEBO RETURNS! - B2GM 17:30 弗斯塔德 Falstad Hinterlands - NEVER STOP ...
卡西娅 Cassia Ball Lightning - AUTO ATTACK CASSIA IS PRETTY NICE TOO! - B2GM SuperFanTV 178 0 祖尔Xul Skeletal Mages - RESPECT THE XUL ROOT OR ELSE! - B2GM SuperFanTV 231 0 阿拉纳克 Alarak Counterstrike - WHEN I GET BORED I YOLO! - B2GM SuperFanTV 317 6 格雷迈恩 Greymane ...
Quality: Function: Material: Price: Packing: AM YOUR OLD CUSTOMERS,THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Reviews with 2 repeated content are hidden Super King Genuine B-168 Metal Launcher Bey Fusion Beyblade Attack Set spinning top B-180 Battle Gyro Grip Arena Burst DB B-189 1234...15 ...