Like Tremor and Thorium, Calamity adds a ridiculous amount of new stuff by way of both standard and unique weapons (melee, ranged and magic), armour loadouts, items, and accessories. The mod also flaunts five new types of mineable ores and tiles, not to mention ten new bosses—each with...
Minecraft PvP texture packs are textures packs (also known as resource packs) are custom made content made to enhance the vanilla Minecraft PvP experience. In these packs you can expect changes to the skybox, armour, weapons, even the hotbar!
3 different wishing well structures. Throw in a coin, and see which with you get. 3 trading villagers. They will offer you all the lucky tools/armour/weapons at a reasonable price. Giant slime! Taller than the trees! Sometimes even a Magma Cube!
Minecraft Android,iOS,PS4,PS5,Xbox One,Xbox Series X/S,PC,Nintendo Switch Mirror's Edge iOS,PS3,Xbox 360,PC Portal PS3,Xbox 360,PC Project Gotham Racing 4 Xbox 360 Awaiting cover image Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Pack
Blubb's mod adds new animations for crafting stations like the Research Bench, Heavy Armour Smithy, and Cooking Stove. It doesn't offer any practical benefit, but it's nice to see a base full of friendly units who are actively doing their jobs in a more immersive fashion.6...
✔Have awesome armour sets ✔Sometimes spawn in stables within villages Minecraft Horse Must-knows: The Minecraft horses we all know and love today are actually based off of a player-made mod. The Mojang team had help from ‘Mo’ Creatures’ mod creator, DrZhark (John Olarte) in the ...
For some fans, the less said about Metroid: Other M, the better. In some quarters Team Ninja's take on a Metroid game is regarded as a mess of 2D and 3D ideas; a game that introduced a load of flashy fluff to disguise a very linear experience which feels against the 'spirit' of ...
I don't know what's going on in this story trailer for Lies Of P Overture but it does have some sad, familiar music for fans Never mind the crafting, Squirreled Away is at its best when you’re simply a scampering rodent As I Began To Dream’s quickfire tile-flipping gives its pu...
Bombernauts is like Bomberman if it washed down a pack of Pro Plus with a case of Red Bull as it swings a baseball bat above its head while strapped to a jet pack: it’s self-indulgent online multiplayer carnage. Oh, and it’s also got customisable maps. Since July 31 last year, it...
Other cool armour can be designed with gold but unfortunately it is cannot bear more than four hits from Zombie. Hey! These gold tools are much better but they can last only for few moments. Actually it is difficult to decide what is more important while you are going through Minecraft.exe...