In this home invasion thriller, Freida Pinto's therapist Meera and her architect husband Henry (Logan Marshall-Green) relocate from Boston to New Mexico to live in a newly built modern home in a majestic desert landscape. The two seem like the picturesque couple, but their sense of everyday...
Colman Domingo was nominated for an Oscarfor his portrayal of gay civil rights leader Bayard Rustin in this Netflix original. The architect of 1963’s March on Washington, Rustin was one of the world’s greatest activists and organizers, and yet has become largely lost to history. This biopic...
Founded in 1887 by the Presbyterian Church, Occidental’s Eagle Rock campus was designed by Myron Hunt, the California architect whose influence set the style for California’s landmarks. Occidental (or Oxy to students and alumni) is well known for its engagement with Los Angeles and the ...
Dominican architect Ramón Emilio Jiménez has done a spectacular job of introducing a sense of place by incorporating local materials and handmade decor like palm leaf-shaped sconces and Guayacán wood trays. However, the highlight of Cayo Levantado is the wellness experiences, which are organized ...
She says that's how she got her first job as a digital journalist for WSVN in Miami. If you need help understanding how to highlight your education in a cover letter, look no further than this example from HubSpot. While other cover letter samples give experienced professionals the opportun...
digital skills training and workforce transformation provider that offers bootcamps and courses in data, design, development, digital marketing, product, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and leadership both online and at state-of-the-art campuses in New York, London, Miami, Toronto, and ...
Hot Tip: The Everglades are featured on our list of the best road trips in the U.S. The Overseas Highway starts in Miami and finishes over 150 miles later in Key West.6. Grand Canyon National Park (Arizona)Grand Canyon National Park North Rim. Image Credit: Michael Quinn via the ...
Although we have to respect people’s feelings as fellow users of the buildings, I believe that it is the duty of the architect and planner to move things forward. If we always reproduced what was there before, we would all still be living in caves. Thus, I would argue against copying ...
an inside look into the University of Miami’s football team in the 1980s;Winning Time: Reggie Miller vs. the New York Knicks, a view into the rivalry between Reggie Miller and his archrivals;The Fab Five,the story of the fantastic freshmen of the 1991 Michigan men’s basketball team; ...