The 3 best Jungle Synergy picks good with Ziggs are Viego, Kindred, and Graves. # Win Pick Game 1 58.33% 3.35% 102 2 57.26% 2.04% 62 3 55.88% 2.23% 68 4 53.89% 2.96% 90 5 57.00% 1.64% 50 6 59.38% 1.05% 32 7 54.17%
⮩ + 2% + 4% + 5% WR 47.04% Skarner 248 games ⮩ + 5% + 6% + 7% WR 47.18% Graves 462 games ⮩ + 2% + 3% + 5% WR 47.29% Lillia 532 games ⮩ + 1% + 3% + 3% WR 47.37% Talon 116 games ⮩ + 6% WR 47.41%
Por quê? Ele simplesmente mede sobre quais linhas de código o teste visitou, mas não verifica se os testes realmente testaram alguma coisa— afirmou para a resposta certa. Como alguém que viaja a negócios e mostra seus carimbos de passaporte—isso não prova nenhum trabalho, apenas...
Recommended Lillia Counter Picks and Champion Matchups. We also included Champions That Are Good With Lillia in 14.21.
Hecarim 76 games + 1% WR 52.63% Xin Zhao 58 games + 2% WR 52.59% Skarner 84 games + 2% + 8% Volibear 38 games WR 51.32% ⮩ + 10% WR 50.00% Kha'Zix 166 games ⮩ + 11% + 1% + 1% WR 50.30% Graves 86 games ⮩
Recommended Kindred Counter Picks and Champion Matchups. We also included Champions That Are Good With Kindred in 14.21.
Graves 46 games WR 55.43% Diana 50 games WR 57.00% Lee Sin 90 games ⮩ + 16% WR 59.44% Lillia 58 games ⮩ + 17% WR 59.48% Lane Phase Warwick Counters Champions like Lee Sin counter Warwick during the first 15 minutes of lane phase based on the gold difference. Lee Sin...