April Fool’s Day. It’s a day where companies all across the internet try their best to get consumers to say: “Wait, what?!” At Media Genesis, we decided to take a deep dive into the world of April Fool’s Day pranks in hopes of determining what types of jokes are the funniest...
It’s our annual roundup of all the UK April Fools’ Day pranks pulled by brands and media outlets Let us know if you have spotted any good ones.. Boden’s Breton Shirt Ban Breton shirts are the latest casualty of Brexit upheavals. Boden say ‘As new EU rules come into force today, ...
April Fool’s Day is tomorrow, April 1st. It’s an annual “holiday” when humor reigns, and pranks and practical jokes are expected and allowed. Computers are a great medium for April Fool’s jokers because most users have no clue what goes on behind those blinking computer lights. So ...
Are you looking for the wholesome pranks that will have your friends chuckling? An amazing Freddy Krueger voice changer is going to reach it! Freddy Krueger, the terrifying villain from the “Nightmare on Elm Street” movies, has a voice that sends chills down your spine. If you want to sc...
April Fools' Day is the perfect opportunity to try out all thosefunny pranksyou've been dying to pull on your friends, family, and co-workers—just without any of the guilt. Since it's essentially a pranking holiday where every possible victim gets advance warning, you have full rein to ...
The best April Fools" pranks of 2016 2016年最佳愚人节恶作剧一览2016-04-01 21:28:02 看看新闻Knews综合关键词: AprilFools愚人节pranks恶作剧Shanghai Live上海国际频道推荐视频 00:31 创作“City不City”热梗 这个老外喜欢 一眼看天下3天前 00:09 证监会主席吴清《求是》刊文 释放了什么信号? 一眼看...
Used to work in a maintenance shop. We were always pulling pranks on each other. The prank I pulled on the shop clerk: I took a pencil and rubbed the lead all the way around the outer rim of a quarter. I actually did this right in front of the guy, but for some reason h...
Get in the spirit of April 1st by pulling off one of these April Fools' pranks, which are easy and totally safe. They are good for kids and adults alike.
Best April Fool Travel Pranks There’s one day every year that’s designated for pranks, and that day is April Fool’s Day. Jokes played out on April Fool’s Day don’t just occur at home. As big companies are getting more personable, they’re also upping their game with April Fool’...
We've rounded up the best April Fools' pranks to play on your boyfriend that are guaranteed to get him good. But be warned: If you do try one of these, you better watch your back for a trick coming right back at you in due time (you'll deserve it)! Our list of epic ideas ...