Dr Disrespect Apex Legends Keybinds Mouse Settings SettingValue DPI400 Mouse Sensitivity3 ADS Multiplier1.0 Hz1000 Mouse AccelerationOff Mouse InvertOff Keybinds KeybindKey SprintL-Shift JumpSpace Crouch ( Toggle)L-Ctrl Crouch (Hold)Not Bound ...
Adjust your Apex Legends settings to improve your game’s performance and better battle your opponents in the Ring. If you’re new to playing Apex Legends and need help choosing your video settings, use these suggestions as a starting point. Settings to increase FPS and performance To ...
Avoid compromising your gaming experience by ensuring precision in your settings. Elevate your performance in Apex Legends and other FPS games by fine-tuning the essential configurations. Your journey to gaming excellence starts with getting your settings right. Read:Best Escape From Tarkov Settings In...
Adjust your Apex Legends settings to improve your game’s performance and better battle your opponents in the Ring. If you’re new to playing Apex Legends and need help choosing your video settings, use these suggestions as a starting point. To increaseFPS in Apex Legends, you’ll want to ...
This guide by Apex Gaming PCs outlines how to optimize both your system & in-game settings for Apex Legends.
Question / Help(Question) Game capture recording drops FPS ONLY (Rec. Apex Legends) One day upon recording apex legends my obs would instantly drop its FPS to below 20 (from a steady 30). I changed no settings on my OBS, Nvidia graphics settings or in-game settings. Here is a log fil...
In this article, we will discuss the best launch options for Apex Legends on PC that will level up your game.
Apex Legends Aimbot? (Not Included) An aimbot enables you to automatically lock-on to enemies, making killing them very easy. This is one of the more common cheats you'll see in many FPS titles like Apex Legends. Aimbots can be used to 'rage' locking on to any visible enemy even...
Been trying all sorts of settings to stream apex on kick and I'm just not having any luck anytime I get into gun fights my stream becomes pixelated and unbearable to watch. PC is AMD Ryzen 7 8 core, RTX2070, 16gb RAM. Attached are a few logs from some streams if someone could ple...
In this article, we will discuss all the audio settings you need to get better at Apex and outplay your enemies