This groundbreaking animated series is known for tackling complex themes such as family dynamics and cultural diversity in accessible ways for young viewers while also resonating with adults who appreciate its subtle humor. Rugrats' enduring appeal has cemented it as an influential staple in...
Animation isn’t just for kids, and the best animated shows today prove that the medium is for mature viewers, too. Adult animated series can push the boundaries of the small screen with grown-up humor, brilliant social commentary, and complex storytelling and characters. And while the unique ...
Over 197K anime fans have voted on the 150+ Best Romance Anime Of All Time. Current Top 3: Horimiya, Your Name, Kamisama Kiss
Finally, the ultimate animated comedy for adults has arrived. This series has Peter Griffin and his obnoxious and dysfunctional family go through a series of adventures with a litany of racist, sexist, and homophobic jokes sprinkled all over the show for shock value, and yet simultaneously critici...
tells you all you need to know about the simplicity and heart of the narrative. Packed with sumptuous visuals and a universally relatable core, this winsome coming-of-age story is intended for teens and young adults, but is also a must-see for anime enthusiasts, magical realism fans, and ...
An anime populated by anthropomorphized animals, "Beastars" is a malleable allegory (it's sometimes referred to as "Zootopia" for adults) set right at the intersection of high school angst and film noir brooding. At Cherryton Academy, relations between predator and prey have been hanging by ...
The Top Sexiest and Hottest Anime Series! Enjoy this list of sexy Anime Series which you will definitely love. Hot Sexy anime to watch recommendations.
those days are long gone. The animation genre has exploded over the past two decades, expanding into the realm of adult comedy and drama. As it turns out,Netflixhas a lot to offer when it comes to adult cartoons, from ground-breaking anime series to laugh-out-loud comedies backed by A...
We've found the best Netflix anime that cover a range of emotions, so you can roar, cheer and tear up.
Castlevaniais an anime based on the video gameseries of the same name, written by comic book mastermind Warren Ellis (Transmetropolitan). Originally planned to be a movie, Netflix and Ellis scripted out a series, and it ended up a massive success, leading to four seasons to tell its full ...