providing them with coping mechanisms, validating their psychological struggles, and letting them release stress through comedy. At the same time, animation workers are fighting tochange the industry, unleashing the #NewDeal4Animation campaign for fairer wages. After all, it's the talented...
(Paul Dano), and quirky 7-year-old Olive (Abigail Breslin) are joined by Edwin (Alan Arkin), a drug-addicted grandfather, and Frank (Steve Carell), Sheryl's suicidal brother. The ragtag group journey in their VW bus to California for Olive's chance to compete in the Little Miss ...
Elizabeth Berry (Natalie Portman) visits a couple known for their widely publicized, controversial age-gap romance. Berry's role in the movie is to portray Gracie Atherton-Yoo (Julianne Moore), who ends up marrying the same man she was involved with in her 30s when he was only 13, now ...
Top Gap What is the Spanish language plot outline for Cast Castle Animation Compilation: Best Of 2021 (2022)? Answer See more gaps Learn more about contributing Edit page IMDb's 2025 TV Guide See the guide Recently viewed Please enable browser cookies to use this feature.Learn more....
Animation crafted for an adult audience can offer an emotional experience by giving viewers an escape, providing them with coping mechanisms, validating their psychological struggles, and letting them release stress through...The post The Best Adult Animation of 2021 appeared first on /Film. See ...
In the iconic 80s coming-of-age film, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, teenage life is under the microscope. Amidst Southern California's sun-soaked malls and high schools, we follow a group of students as they navigate adolescent adventures. Our key characters include Stacy Hamilton (...
Released at the 2021 Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Alex Kronemer's "Lamya's Poem" is an ambitious feature about the transcendent nature of storytelling and spirituality. Forced to flee her war-torn home of Aleppo, Lamya and her mother become refugees. Along their perilous path, ...
The truth is that we could devote about 10 percent of this list to Hayao Miyazaki and his colleagues, but we’ll give up some that space and just point you here to the ranking of the entire output of the most important modern animation studio in the world. Start with Spirited Away, My...
Animation allows movies to do things that aren't humanely possible, and Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse takes great use of that for some truly incredible action sequences, including one where hundreds of Spider-Men are chasing on main hero, Miles Morales. All due respect to the Tobey Ma...
Abbott Elementaryhas been lauded for its relatability. Presented in mockumentary style,Abbott Elementaryis an honest look at the trials and tribulations of the public school system. The story begins with a documentary crew recording teachers working in underfunded schools. The sitcom’s creator, Quinta...