Chinese company Fuyao moved in, rehired many of the American middle class workers who had lost their jobs, and the documentary captures the result. "When a Chinese business owner reopens the plant and hires back many of the former employees, both Chinese and American workers must reckon with...
American Dynasties: The Kennedys (CNN, 2018) is an American documentary miniseries. The limited series explores the Kennedy family's rise to power and how personal relationships within the Kennedy dynasty shaped national and global events from the Cold War to the Wall Street crash. T...
Charm City Kings is a 2020 American drama film directed by Angel Manuel Soto, adapted from the documentary 12 O'Clock Boys. Released: 2020 Directed by: Angel Manuel Soto 79 Sugar Hill Wesley Snipes, Michael Wright, Theresa Randle 17 votes Roemello Skuggs (Wesley Snipes) and his brother, Ra...
Documentarian Bart Layton first wowed film critics with The Imposter, which revealed a twisted tale of a French con man who posed as a missing American kid. His fascinating follow-up blurs the lines between documentary and docudrama to unravel the disturbing of case of the Transylvania University...
War Game(August 2) Premiering at Sundance earlier this year, Tony Gerber and Jesse Moss’s political thriller follows a team of former government officials and policymakers who role-play a contested American election leading to a political coup and potential civil war. On the heels of Alex Garla...
William Holden’s engaging, wiseacre American GI, on the other hand, is quite unshakeable in his belief that the war would get on quite well without him thank you very much, and spends an enviable amount of the film goosing the nurses in a Ceylon military hospital. Ultimately, both men...
Lego Just Released a New ‘Harry Potter’ Set The Real WWII Fighter That Killed Godzilla Amazon Is Having a Sale on Lego Sets Right Now Spice Up May the 4th With Truff’s New Hot Sauce Amazon’s Hard-to-Find Lego Section, Explained ...
(speeches). Through never-before-seen footage, we get to see the rise and fall of the leader of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, who killed more than 11 million people during a period that is now known as the Holocaust (World War II). The documentary is directed by Christian Herren...
The series is both a war documentary and a history of the movies. Most of these men put themselves in harm's way in an attempt to give a true picture of the struggles that American military personnel faced in the Pacific and European theaters of war. ...
William Holden’s engaging, wiseacre American GI, on the other hand, is quite unshakeable in his belief that the war would get on quite well without him thank you very much, and spends an enviable amount of the film goosing the nurses in a Ceylon military hospital. Ultimately, both men...