Lulu from Final Fantasy X is a powerful black mage and a guardian to Yuna on her pilgrimage. Dressed in an elaborate gothic outfit, she is characterized by her somber demeanor and no-nonsense attitude. Despite her stern exterior, she cares deeply for her companions and acts as a source of...
A momentary ally to main characters Joel and Ellie, Burley Bill had a previous long-term relationship with another man, Frank. Though he hides their relationship in dialogue, the depth of it is revealed through notes. Released:2013 Developer:Naughty Dog ...
an ally of the protagonist in both the original role-playing game and its follow-up, who has a pet "miniature giant space hamster" called – you guessed it – Boo. Minsc and Boo are the finest example of the colour and character of this seminal sequel...
For those who are nostalgically inclined, the classicSpeed Racerseries is still a fun watch today. Animated by Tatsunoko Production, this adaptation of Tatsuo Yoshida’s manga tells the story of an aspiring racing star named Gou Mifune. Despite his father urging Gou to stay away from the track...
Ally Financial Almyta Systems Alohaa Alooba Aloware ALP Astrology AlpacaDB Alpha Bulk Message Alpha Computers Alpha-e Barcode AlphaLearn AlphaTheta Alphaware Next Technologies AlpineSoft IT Solutions ALPS Softech Solution Pvt Ltd Altair Altair Engineering altaro Alter Techsoft Altered ALTERIAN...
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Ally Financial Almyta Systems Alohaa Alooba Aloware ALP Astrology AlpacaDB Alpha Bulk Message Alpha Computers Alpha-e Barcode AlphaLearn AlphaTheta Alphaware Next Technologies AlpineSoft IT Solutions ALPS Softech Solution Pvt Ltd Altair Altair Engineering altaro Alter Techsoft Altered ALTERIAN...
Sent to spy on the conclave as a punishment for circumventing the Keeper by arranging for the 4th mage of the clan to safely gain passage elsewhere. The keeper was going to leave the mage to fend for themselves. Next decision: Leaving Hawke or the Ally( Alistair) in ...
On June 2, 2015, a huge conglomerate joined the gaming world. It promised a lot: it would bring together fun old characters that everyone knew in an arena for a single gameplay experience. It promised but ultimately failed to deliver. 5. Late to the party Heroes of the Storm was truly ...
It’s not to be forgotten that these gunslingers do still have some utility, even if it's less so than their counterparts. They’re here for one purpose, and that’s to show up, shoot, and shine. Why Else It’s Good: Summon a robot ally to do extra damage for you. ...