In 1979, Ridley Scott unleashed the science fiction classic "Alien" upon audiences and unwittingly kickstarted a lucrative franchise comprised of seven sequels and an assortment of books, comics, and video games. In August 2024, Fede Álvarez plans to release "Alien: Romulus," which will hopef...
Also ranks #8 on Underrated Sci-Fi Movies Where Earth Fends Off An Alien Invasion 47 Emperor Bruce Dern, Naturi Naughton, James Cromwell 10 votes Emperor is a 2020 American drama film directed by Mark Amin and is based on the life story of Shields Green. An escaped slave, Shields Green...
The cast (including Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Jason Schwartzman, Jeffrey Wright, Sophia Lillis, Edward Norton, and many, many more) navigate familial death, meaningless plaudits, and that alien visitor with the same straight-faced aplomb. This may not be a movie designed for passionate ...
In late 1980s Argentina, a reporter's investigation into alien activity is nearly halted by a lack of evidence until he decides to fabricate his own. Actors: Leonardo Sbaraglia, Sergio Prina, Osmar Núñez, María Merlino, Daniel Aráoz Directed by: Diego Lerman Also ranks #...
(and the thespians who play them), as well as some stellar performances from the junior stargazers themselves – particularly Jake Ryan, who plays Augie's eldest kid. Add in Jeff Goldblum playing an alien, some singing cowboys, and gorgeous production design, and you've got Anderson at his ...
Enter the title of movie you like to find similar ones. Popular films Plane (2023) La La Land (2016) A Quiet Place (2018) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) Malena (2000) Transformers One (2024) Civil War (2024) Ice Age (2002) ...
and the writer ofSunshineand writer-director ofEx-MachinahandlesAnnihilation’s hallucinatory setting with an appropriate and compelling sense of shifting unreality. The characters who enter the alien-terraforming Shimmer in the film are all people who’ve lost the will to live, yet their survival in...
13. Alien (1979) The movie: Arguably one of the best alien movies ever made also just happens to be one of the greatest horror movies too. It doesn't seem fair, does it? The original Alien from Ridley Scott sends the crew of the Nostromo to investigate a distress call from an abandon...
, alien: romulus , and elton john: never too late are just a few of the movies you should be watching on disney+ this month. jennifer m. wood the 40 best shows on hulu right now interior chinatown, what we do in the shadows , and la máquina are just a few of the shows you ...
If a movie could feel like getting a shot of adrenaline injected straight into your eyeballs — again, and again, and again — then that movie would be Mad Max: Fury Road. George Miller's road warrior action epic is an absolutely bonkers ride from the very first scene to the last. Aft...