We would, however, recommend that you turn on advanced options to allow for greater control over your sens options in Fortnite.Edit hold time: 0.200 secondsLook Sensitivity: 6Aim Sensitivity: 6Build Mode Sensitivity options: 2.5xEdit Mode Sensitivity options: 2.5x...
Thumbstick Dead Zone - Thumbstick dead zones are definitely the setting you’re going to want to play around with most as every controller will have different dead zones that need to be worked around. As a general rule here we aim to have a smaller deadzone on our movement stick so we ...
If you use a DualSense Edge controller, you should use the Quick sensitivity curve on the left, and the Precise sensitivity curve on the right stick. ThisFortnite trickcan also be used on other controllers that have similar settings. Even the best settings can be aided by a trick here and...
Here are the best in-game settings for your controller while playingGTA V. Show Controls ForOn Foot (Third-Person) Targeting ModeAssisted aim + full VibrationOff Invert LookOff Third-Person Control TypeStandard FPS 2 First-Person Control TypeStandard FPS 2 ...
Your mouse sensitivity is one of the most important settings inVALORANT. Precision matters, and the sensitivity can define how snappy or terrible your aim is. Recommended Videos If your sensitivity is too high, you’ll have a hard time accurately clicking on your opponent’s heads. If it’s...
CONTROLLERS Reflex Pro For PS5 + PC. Anything but basic. The Reflex Pro is built for serious players that enjoy a variety of games. Four remappable paddles, non-slip performance grip and adaptive triggers make for your best gameplay in Fortnite, Rocket League, FIFA and more. ...
Aim Down Sights Practice your ADS shots like never before. We synchronize zoom and sensitivity settings for all available scopes Field of View Adjust the Field of View(FOV) on 3D Aim Trainer to match it with your in-game settings. It is easy, fast and 100% accurate ...
A mouse with a top-tier optical sensor, low lift-off distance, and no acceleration will give you the precision and speed needed to build, edit, and aim accurately in Fortnite. This can give you a competitive advantage, so choose your mouse sensor wisely!
Aim Acceleration: On (4) Aim acceleration is a useful tool in small quantities and can help you keep up when scoping in on enemies. 1x | 2x | 3x Scope: 10 – 15 Keep these settings lower for responsiveness and stability, and at the same value to build consistent muscle memory. 4x |...
🔍 The configuration settings are now located in the config.py file! CAPS_LOCK is the default for flipping the switch on the autoaim superpower! ⚙️ 🎯 useMask - Set to True or False to turn on and off 🎭 maskWidth - The width of the mask to use. Only used when useMask ...