There's no better way to celebrate the season than with classic fall movies. These fall Netflix movies include romance movies and movies to watch with family.
The South African iteration of Netflix’s Mexican drama series, ‘Dark Desire,’‘Fatal Seduction’follows the story of Nandi. She goes on a weekend trip with her best friend to take a break from everything. Things have been difficult in her marriage as her relationship with her husband has...
“The Fast and Furious” collection of movies is primed for the movie buffs who never seem to get enough of high-flying action flicks. Featuring big names like Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, and Jason Statham, the series has undoubtedly one of the best action movies on Netflix right now. ...
Deadline Film + TV Why These 5 Movie Scarves Are Still Inspiring Fashion Today 11/30/2024 by Karla Mae Your Next Shoes Michael Fassbender (I) The TVLine-Up: What’s Leaving, New and Returning the Week of Dec. 1 11/30/2024 by Ryan Schwartz ...
With echoes of beloved rom-coms like African Queen and Romancing the Stone, this film truly felt like an anomaly in 2022, and yet it turned into a pretty big hit at the theater. It’s already on streaming services, and it’s a great choice if you’re looking for some escapism tonight...
Top Gun: Maverick (2023) Paramount As well as being one of the best action movies on Netflix, Top Gun: Maverick deserves its place as being just one of the outright best movies on the streaming service, too. The long-awaited legacy sequel sees Tom Cruise reprise his classic role as Mave...
Netflix Not to be confused with thetalking dog comedy,The Straysis one of the best Netflix original movies of 2023, delivering one of the year'smost unforgettable endingstoo. The feature debut ofNathaniel Martello-White, the dark thriller centres on Neve (Ashley Madekwe) whose seemingly perfect...
Stream two of the best Netflix movies immediately. • Watch Paddington on Netflix now • Watch Paddington's trailer on YouTube The Sea Beast (Image credit: Netflix) Age rating: PGRuntime: 119 minutesMain cast: Karl Urban, Zaris Angel-Hator, Jared Harris, and Dan StevensDirector: ...
The best Netflix movies feature wild adventures, epic films and two of the best movies of the last year, so you don't even need to go to a theater
Summer is just around the corner, so nobody would blame you if you want to spend less time watching Netflix and more time outside this month — but then again, we haven’t quite hit the heart of the summer movie season, so you might need a new slate of classic films to tide you ...