2. Best Addons for Classic Hunters We recommend always using the following addons on your character, as they either bring very useful functionalities which cannot be easily passed on or represent significant quality of life increases for your WoW Classic life. 2.1. Complete UI replacement: ElvUI...
Best Race for Hunters in WoW Classic Night Elf Blizzard Entertainment / Sarah Arnold Unfortunately for the Alliance, there is no especially great race for hunter. While the Dwarves have Gun Specialization, it’s rather lackluster as guns never really were BiS as a weapon back in the day. Th...
An interface addon can do that. Ever wished it was easier to see if a raid member is low HP, or has a nasty debuff that you could remove? That’s just what interface addons are for. They are particularly popular among healers, as the default WoW interface isn’t great for healing....
You can get SimpleRaidTargetIcons here:https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/simple-raid-target-icons Image View Gallery These addons are used by almost every tank I know. The reason for that is that they create a clean and useful environment with a great UI, camera distance, threat trac...
Note: There is also 4 chests constantly respawning, you may find some greens. Note that the harpies silence, so this is no ideal place for mana users, but hunters isnt affected big. __ Area: Contested Location: Thousand needles and Shimmering flats ...
Till then, we hope that all your hits crit, that the hunters in your group remember to turn off pet taunt, and that all your loot rolls Titanforged! WoW can be very beautiful.About Us The Falcon: I played vanilla (and a little BC) in my university days. After leaving uni I had ...
The following professions do not offer any DPS-increasing benefits and are thus not considered viable for Marksmanship Hunters in PvE. Herbalism Mining About the Author Nevermore Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk ...
What are the best addons in WoW BfA? Sometimes, in order to be a high-performing playing in World of Warcraft, you need to get a little help. In this case, it's not friends that'll help you, but addons that will give you the edge you need to be at your very best. With the...
The original AzerothCore 2017 content archive. This project is now called StygianCore. - AzerothCore-Content/WoWClient/RandomLoginScreen/Interface/GlueXML/GlueStrings.lua at master · StygianTheBest/AzerothCore-Content
*Excellent for first time adventurersor those wishing to slow down and savour the lore. Getting Ready for Legion Detailed lore for the reassessed Illidan. Also Demon Hunters, Maiev Shadowsong, Tyrande, Malfurion, the Skull of Gul'dan, the Well of Eternity, etc. And yes, Blizzard snuck some...