羊驼可以说是有名的对线软脚虾都能多次对线期教训UZI,可见有很长一段时间里,UZI所谓的对线强水分很大。 B将军是我最为惋惜的一位选手,抛开那碗牛肉面,其实他当初真的不愧于两次被评为世界第一ADC。几乎所有ADC都很擅长:奥巴马、德莱文、老鼠、VN、轮子妈、金克丝、男枪、EZ、女警、小炮···每一样拿出来都...
These are ADC players whose names have become immortal due to the mark they left in the LoL esports despite retiring many years ago. They are worth mentioning because a lot of the players in this list were inspired by their greatness. Additionally, there is no doubt that if they’re still...
羊驼可以说是有名的对线软脚虾都能多次对线期教训UZI,可见有很长一段时间里,UZI所谓的对线强水分很大。 B将军是我最为惋惜的一位选手,抛开那碗牛肉面,其实他当初真的不愧于两次被评为世界第一ADC。几乎所有ADC都很擅长:奥巴马、德莱文、老鼠、VN、轮子妈、金克丝、男枪、EZ、女警、小炮···每一样拿出来都...
青春不散场-The Best AD Carry (中部) RNG ADC Uzi 顺境简自豪,逆境狂小狗,绝境UZI 纪录片 LOL英雄联盟职业生涯集锦 1713 3 5:22 App 起风了(LOL职业选手填词) 5.9万 1711 45:30 App 青春不散场-The Best AD Carry (下部) RNG ADC Uzi 顺境简自豪,逆境狂小狗,绝境UZI 纪录片 LOL英雄联盟职业生涯集锦...
Statistical LoL ADC Tier List, Patch 25.S1.1. Updated hourly with the best champions to play in Solo Queue based on the latest stats from millions of games.
This might not seem that scary until you find out that Zyra scales insanely well with magic items. Even though she’s a support champion she will deal more damage to the enemy than her ADC. She’s a “support” if you get what I mean ;). ...
FOX 07.23 2024 LCK CL夏季分裂 2:48:53 【英雄聯盟】台服千分菁英ADC Chesterbbb 非人類拉打 職業級反應 -CHALLENGER RANK 4 TW ADC MAIN KITE & CL 11:33 【英雄聯盟】魔獸成群『刷金幣打法』6種獲得金幣的方式!雷玟全圖流跑法!困難模式。 04:28 【英雄聯盟】魔獸成群 雷玟 vs 厄薩斯『 BOSS戰 無損血...
If that’s not the case, you can still play the bottom regularly with your ADC and aim to become a relentless tank in the late game. Poppy essentially has two major pros that are too essential to ignore. First, her Heroic Charge (E) is perfect for invading jungle and starting fig...
has ever seen, is not only an accomplished professional player but also a popular streamer, especially when he's not busy training. With his vast experience in the game, having played since League of Legends season 3, Rekkles is a great source of knowledge, mostly regarding the ADC position...
LoL Advanced Video Settings/ Riot Games Frame Rate:Uncapped Set this to uncapped to take advantage of every frame you can get. By doing so, it will automatically match your monitor’s refresh rate. Anti-Aliasing:Off Keeping this off will lead to jagged graphical edges, but the FPS boost is...