Like Poppy, Rell is a support who benefits from roaming at every stage of the game. However, if you don’t want to leave your ADC on their own, staying in lane and making the early game awful for the enemy duo is also an option. With Rell’s terrific crowd control and kit, ...
Support: Braum/Tahm Kench ADC: Jinx/Vayne The Secretly OP In the guise of Trundle’s Pillar, we’ll take skill expression to a new level and make life easier for your champions by slowing down and making hooks convenient to land. Expect to burst out laughing when Pyke purchases your team...
Doświadczony specjalista w JavaScript i jego ekosystemie - React, Node.js, MongoDB, prawie wszystko co wymaga użycia JavaScript / JSON w dowolnej warstwie systemu - tworzenie produktów przy użyciu platformy internetowej dla najbardziej rozpoznawalnych marek na świecie. Członek Fund...
This might not seem that scary until you find out that Zyra scales insanely well with magic items. Even though she’s a support champion she will deal more damage to the enemy than her ADC. She’s a “support” if you get what I mean ;). ...
Jak ktoś, kto podróżuje w interesach i pokazuje swoje znaczki paszportowe - nie świadczy to o żadnej pracy, tylko że odwiedził kilka lotnisk i hoteli. Testy oparte na mutacjach są tutaj pomocne, mierząc ilość kodu, który był TESTOWANY, a nie tylko ODWIED...
However, unlike Jinx, Tristana is an ADC that can be played in a much riskier style as she leaps straight into the action with Rocket Jump which will reset on a fully charged Explosive Charge or on a takedown (kill or assist). That reset also allows Tristana to go for risky all-ins ...
Akshan seems to be an adc champion but excels instead in top lane or mid. His kit is great for 1v1 scenarios and he can easily lane bully any match-up thanks to his E which makes him extremely mobile while dealing tons of damage. Akshan can also roam the sidelanes without being seen...
DreamHost istnieje od 18 lat i jest znany z tego, że czyni hosting łatwym. Klienci otrzymują własny kokpit, instalację WordPressa jednym kliknięciem, automatyczne aktualizacje WordPressa, nieograniczoną przestrzeń, nieograniczoną przepustowość i darmowe dyski SSD, któr...
4. Zac “Let’s Bounce” + Nunu Absolute Zero Image View Gallery A slimy boi and a nutty boi. At number four we have two damn Frankenstein’s creations Zac and Nunu. Now how this combo works is that you first get into a bush right. You wait for the enemy to show up and once th...