Bean led to numerous films and an animated series, only solidifying Atkinson's status as one of the pioneers of modern comedy. In addition to Mr. Bean, Atkinson's role as the dashing yet bumbling secret agent in the Johnny English film trilogy further showcased his talents. Desp...
In the sci-fi comedy flick, Men in Black, we meet Jay (Will Smith), a New York City cop, and Kay (Tommy Lee Jones), a seasoned agent from a covert organization. This clandestine outfit, known as Men in Black, silently guards Earth from extraterrestrial threats. Jay is recruited into ...
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that separates him from his friends, exchanges sweet love letters with his girlfriend Nadia (Leem Lubany), is beaten in the street by Israeli Defense Forces soldiers, plans an attack of armed resistance, and then later, as he’s captured and tortured in prison by an Israeli police agent. ...
As a distraction for the Cats, they also send a second agent - Seargent Lazy Dick - for the mission. Genres: Animation, Family. Country: Hungary. Runtime: 1h 36m. Movie links: TrailerIMDbTMDb Watch movie: #29 Shrek 2001 The greatest fairy tale never told. Directors: Andrew Adamson, ...
Streep started voice training at age 12 and took up acting in high school. In 1971 she graduated from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, with a degree in drama and costume design. After working in summer stock theater, Streep studied drama at Yale University, where she earned a maste...
To prepare for the role of agent Robert Barnes, Clooney shaved back his hairline to age himself. He doesn’t look back fondly on filming the Oscar-winning role. "It wasn’t the fault of the film or director", he explained. “It’s just that everybody has that year where you age ...
Synopsis: When slick sports agent Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise) has a crisis of conscience, he pens a heartfelt company-wide memo that... [More] Starring: Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., Renée Zellweger, Kelly Preston Directed By: Cameron Crowe There's Something About Mary (1998) 84% ...
To prepare for the role of agent Robert Barnes, Clooney shaved back his hairline to age himself. He doesn’t look back fondly on filming the Oscar-winning role. "It wasn’t the fault of the film or director", he explained. “It’s just that everybody has that year where you ...
actor who lands a soap-opera role by posing as a prim Midwestern woman. Local landmarks include the National Video Center (now home to luxury apartments and the Signature Theatre) and the Russian Tea Room (where Hoffman reveals his ploy to his agent); even Andy Warhol makes an appearance....