Best IELTS Academic Writing Books 2024 - Check out the most recommended IELTS Academic Writing books for your IELTS Preparation
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This blog covers some of the best websites to download free PDF books in 2024 that you can use to access books of all genres without paying a single penny.
At the time of writing, ManyBooks has over 50,000 titles in its library of both fiction and nonfiction. And a large part of that is available to download for free – from modern novels to classic literature. You’ll be able to find Grimms’ Fairy Tales alongside books from Agatha Christi...
Academic writing needs some special requirements to follow. Check your essay for proper format. Improvement What we want to do is to teach you how to write better and make your essay more valuable. Argumentative Essay Topics Argumentative essays do not have to be serious all of the time. When...
PayTheGeek offers professional essay writing help for students of all academic levels. Custom writing service which make the difference.
There are also templates for Facebook Ads, Quora Answers, Product descriptions, PAS copy, etc. Plus, there are a bunch of novel tools you don’t find on many other AI writers, like a ‘tone changer’ that can modify the tone of your writing, a song lyrics generator, and a review res...
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30-day free trial Paid plans start at $7.99 per month Docear If you are not in the mood to pay for academic writing tools but still want to use a helpful reference management tool, try Docear. It has basic features for organizing and annotating PDFs that should be enough for doing simpl...
As of this writing, Gutenberg has more than 70,000 free ebooks on offer. They are available for download in EPUB and MOBI formats (some are only available in one of the two) and can be read online in HTML format. You can browse the libraryby category(of which there are hundreds),by...