In the 2009 drama film, An Education, a bright but naive schoolgirl Jenny Mellor (Carey Mulligan) finds her life taking an unexpected turn when she becomes enamored with a charming older man, David Goldman (Peter Sarsgaard). Set in 1960s suburban London, the movie unfolds as Jenny's traditi...
In the heart-warming musical Mary Poppins, Julie Andrews stars as Mary, an enchanting nanny with magical abilities. She arrives to assist the Banks family of London, comprised of Jane (Karen Dotrice) and Michael (Matthew Garber), their harried father, George (David Tomlinson), and their mother...
The best things to do in NYC this week include the Washington Square Park tree lighting, the McKittrick Follies, Jingle Ball, The Library After Hours: James Baldwin, and the Coltrane Festival. Monday December 9 2024 Share Written by Rossilynne Skena Culgan Things to Do Editor Contributor: Ch...
LONDON PRIDE June 28th MINNEAPOLIS PRIDE June 28th-29th CHICAGO PRIDE FEST June 21st – 22nd (they are trying to fill in the days in between to make a full week of pride) CHICAGO PRIDE June 29th SEATTLE GAY PRIDE June 29th MADRID PRIDE July 2nd-6th COLOGNE GERMANY PRIDE July 6th SAN DIE...
In Bombay, Munir meets and wins over Zubair after he and Manya escape from prison. But because Zubair's brother Dilawar doesn't get along with him, there are problems. Manya forms his own gang, which the police find problematic, along with Munir, Veera, and Gyancho. It is Inspector ...
A piano can be the first instrument of an individual and it forms a sturdy foundation for all other instruments. Those who are starting to learn a piano consider starting with digital pianos because of their compact size, low cost, and the plethora of features that they have to offer. Digit...
The best London restaurants right now, handpicked by our expert editors and writers. From Shoreditch to Soho, Covent Garden and Hackney, these are the restaurants in London we recommend
Here is our list of the best free museums in London, including science, military, history, and art museums. We also list the best kid-friendly options.
Saturday, July 6th, 2024 Nursery Registrations Opening Soon (For Session 2025-26) Nursery Registrations Opening Soon(For Session 2025-26)School Round Available, Book Your Appointment :- :- Friday, July 5th, 2024 Chair...
Kramer) and beautifully shot by Néstor Almendros, it stars Field as a widow who forms a makeshift family that includes a blind lodger (John Malkovich) and a homeless man (Danny Glover) in a deeply prejudiced Depression-era Texas town. Benton drew from his own memories growing up in Texas,...