Bar Trigona at Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur ranked #36 in Asia’s 50 Best Bars List 2024, featuring artfully crafted cocktails with local and sustainable ingredients.
纽约的Superbueno荣膺London Essence Best New Opening Award; 来自埃德蒙顿Partake的Calliope Draper荣获50 Best Bars Roku Scholarship; 伦敦的Lyaness将Siete Misterios Best Cocktail Menu Award收入囊中; Bareksten Best Bar Design Award得主为奥斯陆的Himkok。
ISSUE 50 NOW AVAILABLE SUBSCRIBE Home Bars News Events Recipes Podcast The Magazine Industry ByThe Cocktail Lovers Oct 17th, 2023 SHARE PositionBarLocation 1SipsBarcelona 2Double Chicken PleaseNew York 3Handshake SpeakeasyMexico City 4ParadisoBarcelona ...
纽约的Superbueno荣膺London Essence Best New Opening Award; 来自埃德蒙顿Partake的Calliope Draper荣获50 Best Bars Roku Scholarship; 伦敦的Lyaness将Siete Misterios Best Cocktail Menu Award收入囊中; Bareksten Best Bar Design Award得主为奥斯陆的Himkok。
他家是上海Asia’s 50 Best Bars前100名的常客中,唯一全华班底的bar,在高邮路上坐拥3层洋房,每层酒单都不一样。1楼只卖经典酒,2楼主打上海地标为灵感的特调,只想微醺的可以去3楼试试更易饮的酒单。 值得一提的是,主理人cross曾2次代表中国参加世界调酒大赛的冠军级调酒师,头衔数都数不清。还客串过王家卫...
Barcelona’s Sips is crowned No.1 in The World’s 50 Best Bars 2023, sponsored by Perrier, at a live awards ceremony in Singapore 坐落于巴塞罗那市中心的新 No.1 Sips,由 Simone Caporale 和 Marc Álvarez操刀,融合了优雅设计与尖端技术,打造出一个俏皮的"酒屋"。Caporale 曾带领伦敦Artesian...
Barcelona’s Sips is crowned No.1 in The World’s 50 Best Bars 2023, sponsored by Perrier, at a live awards ceremony in Singapore 位於巴塞隆納市中心的新 No.1 Sips 餐廳將優雅的設計與尖端技術相結合,由Simone Caporale和 Marc Álvarez 打造出一座俏皮的「飲料屋」。他們借鑒了自己輝煌的職業生涯...
Asia’s 50 best bars for 2024 have been announced. A newcomer has earned the top spot Bar Leone – an Italian cocktail spot in central Hong Kong – has been crowned the best bar in Asia. It’s an impressive achievement, considering the venue has only been open for about a year....
Bar Leone – an Italian cocktail spot in central Hong Kong – has been crowned the best bar in Asia. It’s an impressive achievement, considering the bar has only been open for about a year.
Bar Trigona at Four Seasons Hotel Kuala Lumpur ranked #36 in Asia’s 50 Best Bars List 2024, featuring artfully crafted cocktails with local and sustainable ingredients.