How should we think about Wordle starting word strategies? Let's think about this holistically first. You've got 26 letters in the alphabet. Of those, five (plus the letter "Y" at times) are vowels, the basic building block for most words. ...
Related:What is Today’s Wordle Word? For the list of words below, we recommend starting with something that has five different letters and working from there. You will also want to include letters that are often used in words like R, S, T, P, or any vowels to get them out of the ...
If you prefer a list of the best first words for Wordle, we recommend starting any given day with these. If you'd rather hear directly from some of our Wordle-obsessed editors, be sure to check out their more specific strategies below. The key is often to quickly find vowels or common ...
The Best Wordle Start Words Wordle Starter Words to Avoid How to Pick the Best Starting Words for Wordle Wordle is a word game that took the world by storm, and it’s become popular among word puzzlers. Each day, The New York Times presents a new Wordle challenge to players, who have ...
Searching for how these two arrays of 5-letter words are used, it becomes clear that the first array, Ls, is a list of solutions. Each day a different solution is chosen from this array. The way that each day’s solution is chosen is simple. A starting date is specified: June 19, ...
Path of Exile 2: tips and tricks for beginners Best Wordle starting words, and tips to win Adobe Stock It might seem like Wordle is all luck, but there are a few good practices you can use to help get as many clues as possible in just a few guesses, making it that much more likely...
I asked more CNET staffers, past and present, to share their Wordle strategies and favorite starting words. Hope it gives you a BOOST or maybe a NUDGE. Big AUDIO dynamite AUDIO. Get 4 out of 5 vowels out of the way immediately and focus on narrowing down consonants. Don't be afraid ...
5 ROAST I like this one! Fellow Wordle players: do you just use the same first word every time? Mine is “ROAST” — Kyle Orland (@KyleOrl)December 30, 2021 Lucky my starting word is always ROAST. Wordle 215 2/6 — Roger Finch (He/Him) (@RogerFinch1)January 20, 2022 ...
and uniquely yourself in these responses as possible.” You have24 hours to make the first move, then the app gives your match 24 hours to respond — in other words, if you're looking for a casual hookup ASAP, Bumble will help you filter through the users who aren't a good match. ...
By the daily social media posts of Wordle scores from some of my friends, I’m starting to think maybe that score under 3 is what gives them a sense of power. Wordle Agape While we originally posted this in January 2022, the game is still a huge hit and today’s Wordle answers is ...